
Thought of the day

Happy anniversary to Confessions of a Dumb, White Guy.
It's been 20 years. 
That is bonkers.
A little blog that started out being about a young man and his basset hound has led to so much more: 
  • Nearly 1.3 million views and 25,000 comments 
  • A book
  • Great relationships with some wonderful people from all over the world
  • Sharing my personal challenges, successes, or knowledge has helped inspire others
  • A time capsule of my life over the past two decades
  • A post that got featured on NPR
  • Improving my writing. Thank the fat bassets that I have moved on from subjects like inappropriate boners to talking about depression, parenthood, grieving, and gratefulness.
  • Unintended consequences. Never in a million years would I have guessed a story about Paul Walker would be my most popular post after all these years.
  • I'm kind of a big deal in Hong Kong. And I see you Indonesia. 
  • And, finally, an opportunity for growth, connection, and creativity that has enriched my life and, hopefully, the lives of others.
Take care, my friends. Thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you soon.

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Congratulations, Mr. Shife!! This is a major milestone! I hope you'll continue to "persevere, move forward, and be the stream".

    1. Thanks, Kelly!! I am going to do my best!!

  2. Happy 20th Blogoversary! Wishing you many, many more! You've had some real successes with your blog, congrats!

  3. Congratulations!! No small feat my friend. 🧑

  4. Anonymous1/23/2025

    Twenty years is amazing! Congratulations!πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠ

  5. I always appreciate posts like this full of links to past materials that I have missed. I really enjoyed the post that made NPR but I'll have to just use my imagination on the inappropriate boners link since it links back to this very post.

    1. That is a darn shame, Ed. Here you go, http://www.mrshife.com/2005/10/top-10-inappropriate-erections.html

    2. I probably would be less scarred if I hadn't come back, seen your new link and read that post!

  6. Congrats! Cheers to the next 20!!
    And it's funny reading stats and seeing the most popular posts and where your audience lives.
    Good stuff.

  7. Wow, that is awesome! 20 years is a big deal. Congratulations to you.

  8. Keep on keepin' on!

  9. Congratulations! I started blogging in 2008, so I have a couple of years to go before I reach your milestone. And at the rate my comments come in I will NEVER reach your level.

  10. Happy 20th. Your post sums up so well why blogging is such a worthwhile endeavor.

  11. I can understand the Paul Walker thing, besides the acting thing, he was also quite the environmentalist. Congrats on the 20 years, time does go by fast. The maps are great, all those readers, it makes you feel it's worthwhile.

  12. Congratulations. Nice to read you.

  13. 20 years? And NPR??? Holy cow. I just knew you were famous. And I don't even live in Hong Kong!

  14. You've caught up with me, Matt! That Paul Walker post is hilarious. I didn't know about the NPR although I did know about the book. You're famous!

    1. Don't tell anyone, Margaret. I don't need groupies. =)

  15. Dude! Congrats!

  16. Congrats! I'm very close behind you which reminded me that my blogaversary is this month.

  17. Congratulations. Through 3 blogs, I've been at this for 20 years, too (starting in December 2004).

  18. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging!! I started in '07 but some years only managed a couple of posts. I'm going to try and do better this year.

  19. Congratulations, Mr. S.! Twenty years is impressive indeed. Your refreshing honesty about depression has definitely helped me, and I always enjoy your memes, too. (One extreme to the other...) Glad I found your blog :)


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