
 Thoughts of the day 

Apologies for not posting last week but I had the procedure done on my nose
Can you guess how it went based on the meme I used this week? 

I was a little anxious about the procedure because that is how my brain works but everything was going OK until the doctor had to put a needle in my nose to numb it up with lidocaine. 
Not a small one either so that made me question my decision-making skills because it was a lot of needle for my cute and dainty sniffer. 
He put it in the left nostril and once the needle pricked my nasal cavity I reacted by pulling back a little.
The doctor continued to try and put the lidocaine into my nose but it was going down the back of my throat and not into the nasal cavity where he was going to do the procedure. 
I mentioned this to the doctor and he said that happened because I jumped. 
I had a sweet little conversation in my head after he showcased this enchanting bedside manner:

"Sorry, doc, my bad for not remaining calm, cool, and collected when you jammed that 5-inch needle deep inside my beak. It's embarrassing. I take pride in the fact that I don't jump. I come from a long line of non-jumpers. We grew up in a town that was anti-jump. A local minister banned it. A teenager tried to overturn the ban but it turns out he was just really into dancing and he eventually won the town over with his sweet moves. It was fun. Everyone got together, we would cut loose, and kick off our Sunday shoes. It was wild when everybody cut footloose." 

So to say I was a little perturbed that the doctor made me feel like it was my fault that the nostril numbing didn't go as well as he planned would be an understatement. 
Eventually, he started using the lasers to reduce the nasal cavity inflammation and the side where I jumped was not fun because I could feel it every time he lasered me. 
However, the doctor reassured me that if I really felt it then I would have been bouncing off the ceiling because it would have been that painful.

Then I got to go home. 
I am on day 7 of recovery and the time it takes to fully heal ranges from 3-6 weeks. 
Unfortunately, I have no idea if I am recovering because I picked up a sinus infection almost immediately afterward. 
Google mentions that during the turbinate reduction recovery process it might mimic a sinus infection because of the pain, pressure, and congestion. 
But mimicking is not good enough for me.
I want the real deal.
Maybe in a few weeks, I will feel better about this whole procedure but right now it sucks.

Meme dump 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are doing well. 

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with that procedure and the healing process. I hope things improve quickly for you and that the end result will be a big success!

  2. I'm usually warned that I'm going to feel a little prick, even when there isn't a short person in the room.

    1. Man, that is a good one, Dave R.

  3. An age or so ago I had a nasal cavity enlarged by cauterization. I wonder if lasers smell as bad.

    1. The smell was OK, Joanne. Everything else was awful.

  4. That sounds absolutely dreadful. I hope the 3-6 weeks thing is an exaggeration.

    1. Me too but I am on week 3 and I don't think it will be an exaggeration.

  5. Oh man, that sounds traumatic. I'm so sorry you had Dr. No Bedside Manner for your doctor. I'm always amazed when I run into arrogant doctors who blame stuff THEY did on their patients. How can they even be in a caring profession? I hope the rest of your recovery is bland and boring because in the medical world we don't really want story-worthy experiences. No, we do not. :) Thank for the memes; I love the hearing test.

  6. Anonymous2/15/2024

    Oh no!
    Goddesses, I loathe injections. I agree they the doc could have been better. Hope you get better soon!



  7. That sounds utterly unpleasant and it doesn't help that the doctor was an a-hole. I hope it heals up soon and well and that the sinus infection goes away. I've had one sinus infection in my life and it was brutal. I thought I could tough it out without meds but I couldn't. Gender neutral bathrooms, oh, dear. :)

  8. So you should be fine by Easter?Then you can properly enjoy all those chocolate goodies.

  9. Hard to believe that it has been 40 years since we all cut footloose that first time!

    My MIL is a jumper. I've taken her for vaccination appointments and warned the nurses that they need more people because she is a jumper. They always just assure me they are highly competent with jumpers and proceed anyway. I always enjoy seeing the look on their faces as my MIL jumps over their heads knocking things over in the process.

    1. Time flew by, Ed. I still remember going to that movie as a teenager.

  10. I sure hope things get better and that the procedure ends up being a success. What you said about the doc reminds me of the time I bit the orthodontist. Somehow it was my fault I had a negative (to him) reflex when he cut my gum with a sharp instrument. Love all the memes this time!

  11. Wow. I like he the doc made it your fault. :(
    I hope you heal well!

  12. Anonymous2/16/2024

    AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I am not a jumper by nature but a needle in my nose??????!!!! Ye gods and little fishes! The only thing I heard that could make me scream louder? A friend required a procedure that required him to have a needle in his eye. He said that you can't feel it. Small consolation. I would see that needle coming...AIEEEEEE! HEAL WELL. Debby

  13. Sending healing thoughts your way. I'm surprised the doctor didn't numb the surface with a topical before going in with a needle.

    1. There were many surprises that day, Kathy.

  14. Oh that sounds awful. The anticipation of what will happen is much worse when it doesn't go exactly as planned. I hope this will be a distant memory soon.

  15. Had an injection in my nose in a doc's office many years ago. No idea why, might have blocked it out. lol I have a deviated septum, so maybe for an infection? I didn't have any other procedures done, but, my son has. He had the full surgery, maybe early last year? Anything sinus related is just difficult, and painful. :( I sure do hope you are feeling better soon! Rest as much as possible and heal well!

  16. That doctor would have made me mad talking like that. I hope things are healing for you.

  17. Prayers for quick healing. I'd jumped too, probably right out of the room.

  18. I once ~ voluntarily mind you ~ agreed to have injections at the base of my nose. The purpose was to help me quit smoking. I went twice. I still wanted to smoke. I quit going, because those things made me cry, and they weren’t even on the inside. I hope the treatment is successful, especially after having gone through all that.

    1. I am still recovering but it is definitely better from where I started. Thank you.


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