
Do you have a favorite type of shit? 
There has to be a better way to say that.
Right, Tobias? 

What is your favorite expression on the shit list? 
Is that phrased better? 
Or is this just turning into a dogshit post? 
I will get things going and say out of all the shits I have taken (I mean seriously there has to be a different way) during my career as an English language speaker, I believe horseshit is the one I use the most.
Many of you will probably say I don't give a shit about this, Mr. Shife, or maybe you are thinking I need to get my shit together.  
I was trying to shoot the shit and have some fun with this post but it looks like I might have shit the bed. 
My apologies in advance because I feel like a real POS for not having something better to share today but there are days when it happens.
Right, Forrest? 

Happy Friday!

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream.


  1. Oh man, did I love Arrested Development. Jason Bateman is the best straight man out there (not in a sexual way, but I guess he’s straight, too).

    I rarely use shit anymore, but back in the day, it was always, “No shit, Sherlock.”

  2. "No shit" is one that I sometimes use... always followed by Sherlock!

  3. Anonymous4/28/2023

    "Oh, Shit". is a common phrase in my house.

  4. Batshit crazy describes many politicians and followers these days. I use that one TOO frequently. Otherwise, I like dipshit and full of shit.

    1. Batshit is a fave of mine as well, Margaret.

  5. This was an old cheer guys used to do. There are many variations of it on the net.

    Rat shit! Bat shit! Dirty old twat!
    Sixty-nine douchebag tie it in a knot.
    Gotta eat, bite, suck, f*ck, gobble, nibble, chew.
    Awwwww pussy f*ck shit.

    1. Sounds like some of the Navy cheers I did in boot camp.

  6. LOL
    A shitload of shit expressions you have there, Mr. Shife
    I have taken to saying 'ish' instead of shit. I guess I got it from the kids. You know, If you fly with the crows...

  7. The only curse word I ever heard my Mom ever say--and she still uses it from time to time is bullshit. And only when she's super angry

    1. It is always scary when someone that normally doesn't curse drops a bomb.

  8. I must confess, I could not believe you overlooked "No shit, Sherlock." Back in my swearing days, that was a common utterance of mine and those around me. Now that I live in a house of straight, Christian women, I seldom swear. They are unhappy enough just hearing my stand on things.

    1. That phrase has been mentioned a few times in the comments, Joanne.

  9. I rather like Pure Bullshit, which is reallyyyyy not true!

  10. I don't know if you're familiar with the classic Canadian TV show "Trailer Park Boys," but the KING of Shitisms is Jim Lahey, supervisor of the Sunnydale Trailer Park -- here's his greatest hits -- listen and learn, LOL!


    1. Thanks, Debra. I look forward to it.

  11. Careful... content like this will land you on the feces roster.

    1. I think it is too late for me, Ami.

  12. Can you believe there was a time in my young adult life that I didn't know "crap" was another word for $hit? I still use it as a clean-ish form of swearing, as do many folks around here. My absolute favourite way to use it is "crap crap crappity crap" when I am really stressed. But I also have to confess that with the constant stress the last couple of years I have started saying $hit also. Some days you just gotta. That's an impressive list you have here. Reminds me of the different ways to use a$$ - as proven by the comedian Ismo. He also has one on $hit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igh9iO5BxBo

    1. Awesome. Thanks for the link, jenny_o.

  13. My favorite is actually a shit saying. "You can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster."

    Other missed ones that come readily to mind:
    Deep shit
    Shit stirrer
    No shit
    Holy shit
    Shit list
    Tough shit

    Writing all this down, I wonder if centuries from now they will be talking about our civilization who had 50 different meanings of the word shit.

    1. I would also throw in shit show, Ed. That has become a go-to for me the last few years.

  14. You really do know your shit.

  15. Ed's favorite is an expression that's been used many times in my house, but not by me, of course. It's usually just a solo word when it comes out of my mouth (said in surprise or pain). Another favorite aimed at our kids was "roughky, toughky, shitsky" (said with sarcasm and a tiny violin).

    1. I hadn't heard that one, Kelly. Thanks for sharing.


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