
I saw the below screenshot and it made me chuckle.
I have actually done one of the items on the to-do list.
Any guesses on which one? 
I will let you know at the bottom of the blog post. 

And it also seemed really familiar.
I did a search and realized that I shared it on my blog back in 2012
One of the folks that left a comment is still a wonderful blogging friend, kden.
So what's my point? 
Not sure. I guess a lot has changed in 11 years but my sense of humor hasn't evolved too much. 
But I also thought I would share the screenshot in case you needed some April Fools ideas.

Say it ain't snow

As you can tell by my first topic, I am a little short on blog inspiration this week. 
I guess I will have to complain about the weather. 
March is always tricky because we get a lot of false springs and then Mother Nature reminds us who's the boss so I should just shut my face and deal with it.
But this is the snowiest March we have had in more than 20 years and we have had a trace of snow every day since February 26.
So maybe it's OK for me to be a little cranky about the weather?
In good news, we might get a break from the snow on Saturday.
In bad news, it is the only day we might not get moisture until I blog again.

Even Lucy is thinking she didn't sign up for this.
She is doing her best cousin Eddie impression.
Hopefully, you can see the giant snowflakes coming down in the background.
We got a snow squall yesterday, which isn't as cool as it sounds.

Meme dump

Thanks for stopping by, hope all is well and I will talk to you soon.
I did #3 on the list.
I wore a hat and shirt that said "LIFE" and handed out lemon drop candies from my fanny pack at a New Year's Eve party.

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream.


  1. I was thinking you were more vanilla pudding in a mayo jar kinda guy!
    Have a great weekend, sir.

    1. I think I have a little bit of all of them in me, Bob.

  2. Instead of philosophy, my degree is in anthropology. But it's funny ~ that degree also inspires the question to strangers about what food they like :-)

  3. I had you pegged for #4 or #10. Oops! And complaining about the weather and snow? WTF are you, a Canadian?

    1. I would like to be a Canadian. Can you help me out, Debra?

  4. Number 6 is hilarious and I was hoping that was yours. I empathize with the snow. We have been the opposite here with only 18 inches total this year compared to average of 50 by this time. But March isn’t over yet.

    1. Well it is spring break this week for the kids and we are supposed to get above 50 twice so we might have to break out the sunscreen.

  5. Don't know if I'd have the nerve to do any of those things on your list, but they sure are funny.

    1. It would definitely make a good YouTube video

  6. I was in an elevator when someone said #4. I was the only one who laughed. Sorry about getting a trace of snow everyday. We've had only a trace all winter.

  7. I was going to guess #4. I've had that done to me in the elevator or when standing in a random group. Complaining about the weather is normal this time of year. It does crazy stuff!

  8. That to-do list is great! I did something similar to #4 when I worked but I just said "We are gathered here today....." Got a good laugh! We are getting slammed with snow today again for the third time in March! I predicted this would happen back in December when the weather was just to nice for that time of year! Have a good week Mr. Shife!

    1. Have a good week as well, Jeanette.

  9. OMG that To Do list!
    I am going to steal it and go over it during the summer! LOL Number 3 is fab. I should do that at work.
    And this spring seems to be all over the place. We've had fifty degree weather but today it's snowing. It cannot make up its mind! Global warming is doing a number on us, no?


    1. I look forward to hearing how many things you do over the summer, SIxpence.

  10. I had no idea which one was you, but I know #6 would be the most likely one I would do. I think your comment about humor never aging is spot on. My class of eight had a big milestone reunion last spring and the 50% of us that attended (yes your math is correct, three others and I) fell into our easy humor rhythm that we had back in high school.

    1. It's like a riding a bike. I have a few friends like that as well, Ed.

  11. I've done #4 but I knew all the people. And I guess you've seen the meme of the gal that uses a Hersey's Chocolate bottle as a water bottle at the gym.

    1. I have not seen that one, Mike, but I will be searching for it later.

  12. At least you thought it sounded familiar, I had to go look to see what I said, ha! Poor Lucy, those short legged dogs and the snow don't always get along. We're getting dumped on today too, ugh.

    1. I might have to get Lucy a sled to pull her around if it keeps snowing.

  13. Ok, that is funny. I'm sure people loved this at a New Year's Eve party. Sounds fun.

  14. Drat! I guessed #4. But I imagine #3 got you some good laughs when people thought for a second or two :) We haven't had very much snow all winter, which in my opinion just helps balance out last winter when we had a major storm every week for six weeks. March has been our snowiest month so far, so I'm looking forward to April in the hope that things improve. Hang in there, Mr. S. Spring weather WILL come :D

    1. Thanks, jenny_o. I am hanging in there as best as I can.

  15. The picture of Lucy looking a bit down-in-the-dumps made me smile. And, boy, the weather has been harsh up in No. California of late. LOADS of snow... Hopefully, you will see no more squalls in your neck of the woods!


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