Labor Day 2021

How are you now?
I am not so bad.
Thanks for asking.
How was the Labor Day weekend? 
Ours was pretty, pretty good.
We just spent a few days at a town that is quickly becoming my happy place, Lava Hot Springs.
It was a pleasant surprise last year when we visited so I was a little worried that I might not like it as much on our return visit. 
I was wrong. 
Loved it.
Even during a holiday weekend with a ton of people. 
We go karted, zip lined, obstacle coursed, foam pitted, hot pooled, shopped, gorged, floated, soaked, smiled, laughed, relaxed, and loved our time in Lava.
I am not sure what it is about Lava but I feel like I have a connection to the place.
It has happened a few times. 
Zion National Park, Alaska, the Pacific Ocean, Grand Tetons, Northern Idaho. 
Now I am going to let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
Take care, thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you soon.

                                                                    Foam Pit: Before/after 

Spinning the Globe

Go Karting in the mud

Kyle and I on the Ropes Course

Zip Lining

Videos of the Zip Lining and Ropes Course

P.S. Kyle and I both finished all three levels of the ropes course. I was impressed that I did it but I thought it was really awesome that Kyle did it all. He was a stud for sure. 

I am better than I was. I will be better than I am.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. Um...., and a good time was had by all? Okay, whoo hoo!

    1. 100 percent, Deedles. It was a blast.

  2. I can't remember ever seeing a foam pit. I looked them up and they are all over the place.

  3. Holy cow. You've got some fearless kids! PS: It seems as if they feel a connection to Lava Hot Springs too. Must be genetic!

    1. They are pretty fearless, Debby. However, Kyle has become more calculated in his risk taking as he has gotten older.

  4. Those look like some Wild West activities! I’ve never heard of a Foam Pit and I think it needs further explanation?

    1. They just hooked up a hose to a giant bubble machine and it produced sudsy bubbles for about an hour, Bijoux.

  5. What a wonderful trip. Thanks for the pictures.

  6. What a fun vacation!

  7. I've been to Lava Hot Springs, stayed at the hotel by the springs once and don't remember much but soaking and dinner with friends whom we meet there.

    1. It is probably not much different from your last visit, Jeff.

  8. Man, that looks like a blast. So much fun. Glad you all enjoyed and survived and laughed!

  9. Glad you all had a good time!
    A Foam Pit - that's a new one on me.
    xoxo :-)

    1. It was definitely not expected but they loved it.

  10. So much to do - how could you not love it? Great pictures, too. Your kids look so much like you and your wife; they are your mini-me's. Strong genes, there :D Glad you had a good time. It makes for great memories.

    1. Thank you, jenny_o. The resemblance is pretty crazy.

  11. Ok, wait...
    A foam pit? That looks like a ton of fun!
    Love the pics. I would have tried that Zip Line too!


    1. It was an unexpected surprise, Sixpence.

  12. That looks like so much fun! (except for the bungee) Smiles and laughs all around! Good for your family!

  13. A place with no trees just looks like the dark side of the moon to me.

    1. There are trees, Ed. I am just a bad picture taker.

  14. Hey this looks like so much fun!! I want to go there too!

  15. What a joy to get away and do all those activities! I'm not good with heights so several of them I would eschew. I do love the foam pit though; it's exactly my speed. :)

  16. Oh what an outing! And, what a beautiful family.

  17. That looks like a whole lot of fun. And I envy you those beautiful blue skies!

    1. It was and the blue skies were delightful, Joey.

  18. Sure looks like you all had a lot of fun.


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