Screenshots 2015

Screenshots or screen grabs? Do you have a preference? I was leaning towards screen grabs but then I drifted back to screenshots. I spend way too much time focusing on mundane shit like this. Well let's move on to something a little less unremarkable. I was trying to come up with a topic for this week when I stumbled across a folder full of goodies that I wanted to share and based on the title and introduction I bet you know what it is: You are correct if you guessed enchilida recipes. =)

I was watching one of my favorite bands - The Gaslight Anthem - perform live on TV and tweeted about it. Well they re-tweeted it and it made me pretty happy. 

 About this time last year I had to "retire" from indoor soccer. The games were on Sunday and it was just cutting into our family time because with me and Mrs. Shife working again, I couldn't justify being away for a little bit during the weekends as well. The family comes first. So I went out on top.

Back in 2011, I got banned from Wikipedia but I didn't share the reason why I was prohibited. Well I made some idiotic comments that were fueled by Miller High Life about another soccer team that I didn't like and after given a few warnings I finally got the red card from Wikipedia administrators. I personally don't think they were too terrible but then again I'm just a dumb, white guy. I haven't tried to get re-instated and I don't think I ever will because you know I am such a rebel.

 And this last one just made me laugh so I thought I would share it because I hear laughter is the best medicine.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Amazing ... I didn't know you could make comments on Wikipedia. Now I have to confess my ignorance about screen hots and screen grabs... maybe I should start again at the beginning lol.

  2. Only one sip of coffee this morning and you already had me laughing, my friend. Bravo!

  3. I'd like to see that mascot on the field!

  4. I prefer screenshots. But what I prefer more is seeing what people's desktop looks like and what tabs they have open. Looks like you had to look up how to do a screenshot :)

  5. I'm curious to know if you've ever tried your hand at a screenplay?

  6. I sure have Brandon but it's been about 15 years since I have even looked at it.

  7. I know two young kids are more than a handful, but so is putting out a book... maybe it's time to give a screenplay another thought? :)


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