Technical difficulties

Confessions of a Dumb, White Guy is experiencing technical difficulties.
Mr. Shife drank like a champion in celebration of Super Bowl XL.
Right now Mr. Shife's liver is working overtime on processing the ungodly amounts of alcohol still in his system. In general, the liver can process one ounce of liquor (or one standard drink) in one hour. Unfortunately, Mr. Shife's liver still has about 400 hours of work to do.
We hope to have Mr. Shife back to normal in a day or two.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Have a nice day.


  1. Ms. Meghan hopes that Mr. Shife recovers soon.
    Ms. Meghan would also like to extend her regret at his supported team's loss.
    Though, she would also like to express her glee at the Steeler's win.

    Get well soon, babes!

  2. Glad you had a good time! :P

  3. Is Mr. Shife still drunk enough to believe he owes me money?

  4. hey...i decided to kiss your ass and nominate you-
    Best Comedic Site January

    Since you don't have any friends, get busy and start paying people to log onto this and nominate you again...and then same thing for the voting this week...

    who do you think you are, Clay Aiken? you have to work for this shit!

  5. What ? No talk of midgets ?

  6. sucks to lose i know.

    By the way. You've been tagged. ;)

  7. Oooh, I miss seeing that on my telly! Now with cable and all the shit you get on TV... network hardly flash those things. I can stare at it for hours!!

    Ok, I'm kidding. I can't really stare at it for hours. Maybe 5 minutes. 10 minutes max.

  8. Here's hoping your liver recovers soon!

  9. I'm thinking of adopting your liver and rehabilitating it.

  10. I hope everything clears out too. I have found that sticking my finger into my throat, inducing vomiting causes a good amount of that stuff to come out--but it must be done before going to bed that night.

  11. LOL Good luck with that, Mr. S!

  12. Anonymous2/06/2006

    I hope you had a good time...was it worth this misery you're feeling now? ;)

    Do you always talk about yourself in the third person? LOL

  13. You make me laugh! Feel better. :)

  14. Hmmm, so this is like you phoning in sick basically to blogland?
    Not goin' for it.
    Get your butt back in here and give us some details!

    PS I watched "Fever Pitch" the other night. Cute. Funny. You'd like it.

  15. Tell Mr.Shife that I hope he feels better soon !!

    Try a little hair of the dog...


  16. Have you awoken yet? headache gone?

    Sorry the seahawks lost

  17. oh.. you fool...

    i hope you feel better soon !!!!

    at least you had a good time..

  18. I had to sit right under the tube at work with that game roaring. I'm not really a sports kinda guy, but even I thought the game surpassed the usual lameness, which is pretty hard for a combination of pigskin and idiots lacking genome capacity sufficient for abstract thought. I didn't think it could get any worse, and I'm a hardened cynic, so imagine my surprise!

  19. Get this man a loaf of bread!

  20. Yes, you feel like shit today. but look at the bright side, at least you didn't wake up in jail. Cuz I bet a hangover feels a lot worse there.

  21. Awesome!!! haha well you know what they say cures a hangover....Chug! Chug! Chug! :p

  22. I'm jealous that you were genius enough to find that Technical Difficulties pic. Man, that's intelligence!

    So you're obviously not all THAT hungover, mister!

  23. You and half of America have been recuperating!! I hope you are feeling better!!!

  24. Good luck with that! I spread 4 beers out over the 4 hours.


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