It's The End Of The World As We Know It

I apologize for the lack of action on the Dumb, White Guy network, but Mr. Shife had a life changing moment.
I have been dealing with it all day.
One moment I am fine, but the next moment I am ready to curl in a ball in the corner and suck my thumb.
I have turned the page today my blogging buddies.

I founded something down there.
You know south of the border.
Yes, down there.

One gray pubic hair.

My life is over.

Can you dye the shortened curlies?


  1. OHHH THE AGONY!!! Is there a Pube dye like the ones for beards??? Poor Mr Shife!!!

  2. It's ten times better to find a grey pube than it is to discover a blood-gorged tick. Or a crustacean, at that.

  3. OH MY GOD - can we say TOO MUCH INFOMATION, MR. SHIFE!? hehe

    poor guy - no wonder you're postal. :-)

    PS There's always Grecian Formula...

  4. I wanna know why your head was so close that you can ACTUALLY see that !....what the heck were you lookin for??....LOL

  5. just wax it off. then you won't have to deal with it.

  6. Oh dear. Get Mrs Shifey to remove it immediately! They multiply when left alone you know.

    Grey pubes, bahahaha! sorry. I'll go now. ;)

  7. Anonymous2/10/2006

    Don't ask me how I know, but yes you can... LOL!! Stuff can be toxic so keep it off the goodies, really... trust me!

  8. Oh dear...the reverend is right. This is no big deal. If you want to put dyes next to the family jewels, go right ahead, but...meh. It's a pube, dude. Have a laugh, give it a name (the two grays i've found so far on my head are Lupe and Hermione) and relax.

    If your arse is still pointing south, you're ahead of the game.

  9. By the way Shife, just to make it clear: I haven't found a blood-gorged tick or crustacean near my own member. Just trying to offer a reassuring gesture, nothing less

  10. How about go Brazilian?!

  11. Age is a beautiful THING, Shife! Embrace it!!

  12. Whatever you do...DO NOT PLUCK IT. 10 more will come to it's funeral. Don't dye it either, since the skin is sensitive.

    Just shave it all off like a porn star. Give MrsShife the treat of hairlessness

  13. My condolences Shife. :(

  14. I think Grecian Formula has something for chest hair, axillary hair and pubic hair.

  15. Anonymous2/12/2006

    OMG! What are you going to do? How can you possibly go on after this discovery? Your life will never be the same. I'm so sorry. Have you thought about talking to a professional? How is Mrs. Shife handling this?

  16. My wife tells me I have grey hairs all the time, just not down there.

  17. that is sad. i am reminded everyday that i am getting older, but I've never thought to look there. i don't think i want to look.

  18. I got some tweezers here... hmm... lemme see...

  19. HAHHA!! I was all worried there for a minute. best of luck with this problem bud ;)

  20. hey Shife - seriously need you to get back to work on the Dumb White Guy Network, dude. I need my already artificially elevated good mood to be bettered by your wit, sarcasm and chronicles of life in the DWG universe.

    Be a man, ignore that pesky gray sucker, and consider getting a bedside defibrulator. It only get's worse from here on out - just you wait 'til the ol' man-boobs start heading south for the winter. Mrs. Shife shocking the hell out of you a couple of times might even improve your sex life. hehe

  21. I've heard a lot of people think gray hair is dignified.

    You now have a dignified cock Mr. Shife.

  22. hehe. theres more where that came from. sorry.
    hey, as long as "it" still works, who cares?

  23. it just means you're wiser then ever :)

    so what did you end up doing? sgaving? waxing? go blonde??

  24. Well then, I didn't know they turned grey.


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