
Thought of the day

It is still January? 
How many months are in this month?
January has felt like it has dragged on forever.
A perfect storm of seasonal malaise converges: the post-holiday emotional comedown, dreary winter landscapes, claustrophobic indoor confinement, persistent viral undercurrents, global uncertainties, and localized stressors. 
Collectively, these events have conspired to transform morning optimism into a profoundly deflating experience and make January feel like a Tuesday on Venus.
Good times.

Thanks for swinging by; I hope your January is going well, and I will talk to you soon.

Meme dump

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. January always takes forever to be over.

  2. Hey, it can't be all bad... I've reappeared in Blogland!! ;) I hear ya though... it's all of that and more.
    My body is not a temple... haha loved that one.

  3. TikTokers are the most helpful people in the world! I’m being serious! The poop rule rules!

    1. They have some good ideas. Hopefully they don't reinstate the ban.

  4. I hope somebody sent that meme to Marie Kondo.

  5. This has been an incredibly long month and today has been an incredibly long day. It's 2:40 here, but feels like it should be bedtime already.

  6. January sucks, plain and simple. It's almost over. Yay.

  7. That's the truth! I think every month is going to feel this way for awhile :-( Great memes though :-)

  8. It's the month of my birth so I like January ... it's February that ruins me.

  9. We've had lots of sunny clear weather so it's been uplifting. But we do need rain and mountain snow. Always a downside to the upside. Unlike many, I like the time after the holidays. December is a hard month for me so January is a relief. The world and country are depressing though. Sigh.

    1. I believe you got your snow, Margaret.

  10. The first half of the month flew by, but for the past week I've been looking at the calendar every day and wondering how there can be so many more days before January is over.

  11. You could write some poetry. Hmm. What rhymes with Venus?

    1. According to the rhyme dictionary, Kleenex. Am I saying Venus wrong?

  12. In my world, it seems to have flown by like days on Jupiter. I think it is because despite the cold snap, the ground is bare and brown outside so it still feels like the leadup to the holiday season.

    1. Ahhhh days on Jupiter. That is how it feels when I am on vacation.

  13. Drink before you throw the ball! And yes, the days are beginning to feel tragically long.

    1. I feel too guilty playing that trick on Frizz anymore.

  14. This January did go on forever, especially since the 20th now seems like it should be 4 years ago and not just 2 weeks.

  15. Hahahaha
    Oh, yes. January felt like a year.
    What with Mango Mussolini and his minions trying to destroy the country and all the other stuff going on...?
    And thanks for stopping by, Mr. Shife!!


  16. YAY!!! January is over. Bring on the one hundred days of February!

  17. First gambling, really made me smile. When I was young, my best friends mother was horrible with a box of chocolates. She had beautiful finger nails and would use her nails to poke the bottom of the candy to see if it was one she wanted. If not, she'd put it back in the box and select another. So, then if you picked up a candy she had stabbed...you often had a mess on your hands. Sorry things have been so glum. So many virus's going round that hard to shake, and sadly with multiple people in a family you often pass it back and forth before finally kicking it out of the house. The world, our country right now, pretty scary and maddening times. I just finished reading Rachel Maddow's book, "Prequel". I knew we had home grown Nazi's before, and knew the Klan was powerful; but had no idea how bad it had gotten. On one hand it might be enlightening to read; as we got through that...on the other hand, why do never seem to learn from history. Hoping February is a better month for you and yours.

  18. January was a long month here, too, Mr. S. Only four more weeks until March, though, and it's all bearable after that. I hope. Thanks for the excellent memes.

    1. You are most welcome, jenny_o!!


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