Shife's Sparkly Spectacular - Day 9

Thought of the day 

Upon further review, I could have written this sentence more clearly yesterday: And here she is today wondering why I insist on taking her photo wearing nothing but thong underwear.
I meant to imply that I was wearing the underwear, not Ms. Frizzle. 
Ms. Frizzle rarely wears underwear, and when she does, it's something unusual. 
I thought I was going to move on to something else but curiosity got the best of me and I Googled "dogs wearing underwear." 
And I wasn't disappointed. 

Sometimes I shouldn't be so curious. 

Meme dump

Talk to you tomorrow.

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. I cannot unsee some of this.

  2. Gawd, now my eyes need bleach!

  3. Those dogs wearing underwear are hysterical! I wonder if they have cat models too. I know my Mari would scratch my eyes out if I tried!

    1. I didn't do that search, Margaret, but I am sure they do.

  4. Oh can never quite be sure what will pop up at Mr. Shife's blog.

  5. Gosh, the internet literally has EVERYTHING!!!

  6. When I read your blog post, I always leave with a smile. But this morning, my wife who is upstairs had to ask why I was laughing so loud so early in the morning!

    1. I am glad it started your day off right, Ed.

  7. I once knew someone whose dog had to wear diapers. She covered up the diapers with a pair of underwear :-)


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