Shife's Sparkly Spectacular - Day 18

Thought of the day

I have been employing a new strategy for watching movies.
With so many streaming options available, I have struggled to find something to watch. 
More often than not, I will scroll for way too long looking to find something.
But not anymore. 
This is how it works: If I am impressed by one of the actors, I watch something else in their filmography. Here's how it has played out for me over the last few months:

Hell or High Water - Chris Pine, Ben Foster
Hostiles - Ben Foster, Christian Bale
3:10 to Yuma - Christian Bale, Russell Crowe
American Gangster - Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington
The Magnificent Seven - Denzel Washington, Martin Sensmeir
Wind River - Martin Sensmeir, Jeremy Renner
The Mexican - Brad Pitt, James Gandolfini 
The Last Castle - James Gandolfini, Robert Redford
The Natural - Robert Redford, Robert Duvall
Lonesome Dove - Robert Duvall, TBD

I am about halfway through Lonesome Dove so I have yet to pick the second actor but this is what I have been doing to wind down in the evenings and recharge my sparkle. 
A lot of Westerns on the list as they have always been one of my favorite genres. 

Talk to you tomorrow.

Meme dump

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream.


  1. I do the same thing, in a way, with movies and actors. If I see an actor I like in a film, I start looking to watch all his or her other work.
    And I feel the same way about doorbells.

    1. If you read this a certain way, Bob, it could sound like you start searching for doorbells you like after you see one that catches your eye.

  2. I have seen about half of the movies you listed ~ 3:10 to Yuma, The Magnificent Seven, The Mexican, The Natural, Lonesome Dove. I’ll have to check out some of the others. Probably won’t watch American Gangster ~ I don’t like gangster films. But, hey, I am a girl, so there’s that!

    1. I think you are OK skipping American Gangster.

  3. I think this is a great approach to picking movies! I quit watching during covid (reading instead), but prior to that watched several a week. Wind River is one that I don't think I'll ever forget. It has incredible scenery in it and made a MAJOR impression on me with its message.

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- at 48 years of age, Robert Redford was TOO OLD to play the 35-year-old hero of "The Natural." It has bugged me ever since that movie came out in 1984. I'm not afraid to speak my mind on controversial subjects, LOL!

  5. I've seen most of those movies and agree, they are good.

  6. If I read a book I like, I immediately go to the library website and order up all of that author's books. No more time wasted roaming the bookshelves, looking for something good to read!

  7. I do the same thing with scrolling, sometimes that's more fun than the movie. And pretty light. I like that.

    1. I wanted to break the habit of scrolling so that is why I started doing this.

  8. That sounds like a great way to put together a watch list.

  9. I love Lonesome Dove. You should pick Tommy Lee Jones!

    1. He has a good list of movies too.

  10. I still go for scrolling. Plenty mindless.

    1. The scrolling makes me crazy so I am sticking with my new strategy for a little bit.

  11. You really like Westerners, don't you! While actors will encourage me to watch, so will directors.

  12. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not but I've seen all but one of those movies. Don't forget, there are actually four movies in the Lonesome Dove series, all of them really good.

    1. I just finished up LD and looked up the other ones. I am going to be busy. Thanks, Ed.

  13. Barry Corbin. And then you could watch Conagher and pick Sam Elliott for you next movie. And I am not saying that because I have a single idea whether or not these movies are any good, but honestly, Sam Elliott could be reading directions on a tube of toothpaste and I'd be listening raptly.


    But it's just a suggestion.

    1. I am a big fan of your suggestion, Debby. Sam Elliott is awesome and Conagher looks like a good one. Thanks.


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