
Thought of the day

Happy Thursday to you.
How are you doing today?
Here are five happy thoughts from me.
What is making you happy these days? 

  • Happy Fall Y'all - It has cooled down a bit and I am all for it.
  • Happy Anniversary - #20 for me and Mrs. Shife. She will always be the greatest thing that happened to me. Without her, I would have nothing. 
  • Happy Birthday, Sarah Connor - Linda Hamilton was awesome in "Terminator 2." Easily one of my favorite movies. 
  • Happy Gilmore 2 - Is anyone excited about this? I am sure some people are but I was talking about you, my wonderful blogging buddy.
  • Happy to have a Labby and a Bassy - They are the best and I love them so much. 

Meme dump

I'm happy that you stopped by and I will talk to you soon. 

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream.


  1. Those black and white photos of the dogs contemplating life are great!!! Congrats on your 20th Anniversary! That is a milestone.

  2. I'm of a generation where "Happy Gilmore" was a golf swing you must do in the presence of your friends. Hell yes I'm excited!

    1. Yes, we most definitely did do the Happy Gilmore swing and it was fun.

  3. In Happy Gilmore 2 will they use Drew Carey now that Bob Barker is gone? Inquiring minds wanna know.

    1. You have brought up an excellent point, Peggy! It would be a shame if they didn't.

  4. Congratulations on #20. Your memes always make me smile, but today I laughed out loud at the dishwasher one!

  5. Happy Anniversary!! Woot Woot!
    Please give Ms. Shife a hug for me.

    And I cackled at the ancient Greeks. You do choose them well.

    As for what makes me happy, I'm with you. Our better halves make us.. better.


    1. Will do, Sixpence, and thank you.

  6. The photos of your pups made me happy. Also the meme about the dishwasher. Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy to all the Happies, especially the Big Two-Oh!!! Cheers to many more.
    Have a great weekend, Shifes.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pics of the pups :) What makes me happy? After a very busy month, we are going on vacation next week!

  9. I have a dear friend whose husband is a bit scatter brained. She's in charge of the check book. One time they were at the bank applying for a business mortgage and the banker said said to the husband, "You have an excellent credit score." Long silence, and then husband replied "Thanks only to my wife."

  10. Happy Anniversary, Mr & Mrs Shife! Had a good laugh at the giraffe meme!

  11. I'm thinking I might be getting a Labby. And, as someone who's been to Greece, they don't really use that many dishes.

  12. Love the PDF one and the scientists. Happy 20th Anniversary to you!! The cooler weather is certainly nice and the rain to water the plants. I'm so tired of doing that. Those are such cute doggies!

  13. Happy anniversary to the dynamic duo! My favorite meme today? "For all you people who say you haven't got time for my bs, you need to learn time management. Get up an hour earlier."

    1. Um, also, I have a confession. I've never seen Happy Gilmore, but I've seen the Bob Barker skit of course. But I always get that and Caddy Shack confused. Probably because I've never seen that either. Am I still allowed to visit your blog?

    2. Thank you, Debby. I will have to put you on double secret probation but you can still visit. =)

  14. Not very long... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EXnc8SXWV8

  15. It's almost Halloween month!

  16. Ever think about how one would perform CPR on a giraffe? And happy anniversary. Here's to the next 20.

    1. Not until today, Ami. Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

  17. Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Shife :) What makes me happy? I am struggling lately, but memes help, so thanks for those. (Favourite today: the Greeks)

    1. TY, JO. I am glad I could help out.


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