
Thought of the day

Happy Summer!! 
What is your favorite season? 
Mine is season 2 of "Arrested Development" 
For the love of the fattest bassets, I am just too funny. 
In all seriousness, if I had to pick one it would be fall. 
Summer is getting serious for us right out of the gates as we will be near triple digits all weekend. 
It's going to be hot!! 
What's that? 
How hot? 
Well let me paint you a picture:
It’s going to be hotter than a coal miner’s butt on the 4th of July!!
It might be so hot that the chickens might lay omelets!!
It could be so hot that I might see a bird blow on a worm before eating it!!

I would tell you to stay cool, but if you are visiting this blog, you are already the coolest.
Take care and talk to you soon. 

Meme dump

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Haha. Except French toast. That is serious.

    1. Yes, it is. Love me some French toast.

  2. The coloring one! Who thinks it’s relaxing to stay in the lines on those tiny drawings?

  3. When you said "right out of the gates", I thought you were going to reference the gates of hell. Yep, it's gonna be a hot one. Excellent memes all around this time.

  4. Too hot! A lovely 85 degrees here with a breeze. (no complaints) I love "Arrested Development." It's evidently my style of humor. Seriously though, my favorite season is also fall--but not by much. I love all the seasons for different reasons.

    1. Mine too. I probably should rewatch it again. It has been a minute as the kids say.

  5. I will say Fall, too.
    And the heat is on here, too!

    1. You and Carlos stay cooler than you already are, Bob.

  6. Hahahahaha, the colouring one! Signing the dog's cast is pretty funny too. My favourite season is autumn. It is never long enough. Spring and summer have their merits too. Even winter is okay for the first 2 weeks. Unfortunately, here in Canada, it lasts 6 months long.

    1. I couldn't do winter in Canada these days. When I was younger, I managed Alaska, North Dakota and Northern Idaho winters but it would be too much on my depression now.

  7. Sing my Cast! Never watched Arrested Development, I don't have cable. And I have 3 favorite seasons: summer, fall, and winter; it rains too much in the spring.

    1. Spring is too bipolar in Idaho as well.

  8. I was in a 'mom and pop' hardware store yesterday. There was a man with two leashed bassets talking with one of the associates. I thought of you.

  9. It's 106 here today and 111 by the end of the week.

  10. Today we got a break. We stayed under 90. It was still humid. It's hotter than the hinges on the doors to hell.

  11. Spring is my favorite. Now I'm going to have to check out my streaming options for Arrested Development.

  12. We were traveling home from the other side of the state and it was a hot drive, 90 when we got home. Fall would be my favorite too. I have long suspected cats of doing that for years.

    1. Stay cooler than you already are, kden.

  13. And you know what?
    I don't think I've had a lot of French Toast? I always get sidetracked by something in the menu. And I think my fav season is the first season of Queer as Folk. Oh, and Spring.


    1. French toast is pretty darn good, SP.

  14. Spring is my favourite season except for the feeling of impending doom when I think of what is coming next ... I hope you can stay cool, Mr. Shife & Family

  15. Haha ~ love those memes, especially the cat making the clothes smaller, and the “give it time”. Lol. It looks like the entire northern hemisphere is going to have record breaking temps.


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