
Thought of the day

I needed to hear this today.
But, I also thought it would be nice to share it because someone else might need to hear it too. 
So here it is:  

One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

Meme dump

Talk to you soon!! 

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Also a authenticity/diversity fan. #insertfistbumphere

  2. These were all good ones and I did LOL at the last one! Like, WHY?? Or are we just confirming? I saw a picture on TikTok of what Post Malone would look like without tattoos and he was surprisingly good looking! Again, WHY?

  3. I, too, needed to hear that.

    The People Feet on the crow made me almost guffaw!
    Have a great weekend, sir.

  4. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts. And Yes to the dishes, rapper, and Word document.

  5. We did that to my brother once. What a long time ago.

    1. I had it done to myself when I lived in a fraternity.

  6. "Be not another, if thou canst be thyself." Paracelsus. I've lived my life by that maxim ever since I read it when young.

  7. Great funnies. I will always be myself, I am unique, there is no other that can be me. Far better than being lost in a sea of "look-alikes" like so many young Hollywood wannabe starlets.

  8. I think as we get older, we care less about what others think of us. That's how it's been for me anyway. I just don't need to impress people anymore. Those memes are pure gold!

  9. The chest pain one is true. I knew it was indigestion. My wife hollered, I"M CALLING 911! It was a heart attack. I had a stent put in the next day. Wife 1, Mike 0.

    1. We would not survive without our wives.

  10. So much truth in this post!

  11. I agree with the first thing you said.
    These meme's are funny. I hate those self check outs. Hate them.

    1. I have a love-hate relationship with them.

  12. That would be me, trying to tap my card. I'm terrified of self check out so I don't do that. Being myself means that I know my limitations and can laugh at myself. Mostly.


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