
Thought of the day

I use AI and ChatGPT for work.
I have also been in a blog slump regarding my writing.
I thought let's see if ChatGPT can help me out.
My prompt was, "Write a 300-word funny story about the guy who writes this blog, http://www.mrshife.com".
It started off strong but I had to pull the plug after the first three paragraphs: 

Once upon a time in the whimsical world of blogging, there lived a man named Mr. Shife. His blog, like a digital treasure trove, was a delightful mishmash of humor, anecdotes, and the occasional philosophical pondering.

Mr. Shife, with his trusty keyboard in hand and a quirky grin on his face, embarked on yet another blogging adventure. Little did he know that this particular day would be filled with more absurdity than usual.

As he sat down to write his latest post, he found himself besieged by distractions. His cat, Whiskers, decided that the keyboard was an excellent spot for an impromptu nap, leaving Mr. Shife to type around her furry form.

Did you notice anything wrong? 
A cat? 
A cat named Whiskers? 

First, cats are fine but I would pick a better name for my feline friend than Whiskers.
But the big nope for this assignment is ChatGPT went through my blog and thought I would own a cat.
A search for "my pet cat" only gets 1 hit on my blog.
It was back in 2016 when Hayden got a new cat stuffed animal. 

I love dogs.
I have two of them.
And I like them.
A lot. 

It makes me sad and hurts my feelings that the robot overlords don't even know me after all this time.
I do my best to make sure they know everything about me when I am online.
Whenever I log on I make sure that:

  • I am not in private browsing mode
  • I never clear my browsing history
  • I never use browser extensions and plugins
  • I only visit search engines and websites that don't care about my privacy and will sell my information
  • I never opt-out of tracking.
  • I never use secure connections (HTTPS)
  • Manage cookies? What does that even mean? 

I have work to do to make sure that Skynet gets to know the real Mr. Shife and realizes that if I did have a cat its name would be Spicy Beef Purrito.

Meme dump

Thanks for saying hello and I will talk to you soon.

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. This whole post made me laugh. Thank you! You gotta get a cat just to give it that awesome moniker! My last cat was named Barnaby because it was a barn baby. It was pointed out to me that my last name is Jones sooo..Barnaby Jones. Never occurred to me because I never watched that show (Buddy Ebsen always creeped me out). I pretended to be clever from then on.

    1. Hi Deedles. We have missed you. Thanks for stopping by. I don't think you need to pretend because I think you are amazing and fabulous.

  2. You outdid yourself with the memes today. As for AI.... I don't trust it at all. I read far too much science-fiction.

    1. Thank you, Kelly. I am glad the memes were a hit.

  3. A cat, you? The tone of the "post" didn't sound like you either, Matt. My vacuum looks like that when the cat enters the litter box.

  4. Clearly, you don't know that ChatGPT is owned and controlled by Overlord Whiskers, the Cat of All Cats. Here's the tipoff -- "chat" is the French word for "cat."

    1. Overlord Whiskers, huh? And I knew I couldn't trust those French folks.

  5. Hahaha
    Thank you for the guidelines on WHAT TO DO when using the internet!
    So very few people follow those little precepts...
    And AI can go only that far. It's a useful tool, but until the cyber overlords find a way to make ChatGPT feel something, we're safe.

    Also, I haven't noticed that Ben Affleck has become such a DILF.


    1. Glad to help out, Sixpence. I am a warning label.

  6. I was feeling pretty good about the future.... right up until I learned the A.I. robots have read your blog in it's entirety. Now I'm not sure what the future holds other than fat bassets.

    1. A future with lots of fat bassets? Sounds good to me, Ed.

  7. Thank goodness the AI wasn't able to replicate a 'real' Mr. Shife post! I had to think about the Menards one for a couple of seconds before I got the joke.

    1. The Menards one really makes me laugh because there are a few of them near where my dad lives in Illinois.

  8. I don't know how I feel about all this AI, chatgpt, autonomous cars...Do you want Terminators, because this is how you get Terminators.

  9. My last cat was named Paddington PawCat, Paddy Paws for short. This one was named by my grandson, so he is Houdi. Naming animals is fun. You have to watch them to see what they want to be called.

    I would rather have a dog, but my husband and I strongly disagree on dog ownership. (He believes they should never come inside. I believe that if you are going to leave them outside, you might just as well chain a pot roast in the back yard.) I found the last dog I had and brought him home. I thought to myself, 'Well. Tim is just going to have to get used to having a dog in the house. He can't stay mad forever.' (Fun fact: sure can. He never stopped being mad about that dog.)

    Anyways, it just goes to show you that AI is not real. You know what's real? You are.

    1. I love Paddy Paws as a cat name. I don't believe that dogs should be left outside either. Men are pretty stubborn, aren't they? They should have a game show about how long men hold or can hold grudges. I am still holding ones against people in college and that was 25 years ago.

  10. I cannot wait to see Mr. Whiskers; he sounds like a hoot.

    And that sharing an oven thing. Oy!

    1. You don't know what life has in store for you so I want say never when it comes to Mr. Whiskers but it isn't looking good.

  11. So far, AI has not impressed me. I hope you find the elusive Mr Whiskers! 🤣

  12. A cat would be a nice toy to entertain your dogs :) While I had one, it died when my daughter was one and afterwards, she could finally breath without medication, so no more cats.

    1. I think the cat would move out after 1 hour from all of the canine harassment.


  13. We have had cats, but that was a long time ago. When I bought my husband a red husky named Tasha, we discovered that huskies aren’t big fans of cats, so we found the poor thing another home, as she lived permanently under the bed….so as not to be eaten, I suppose :-)

    Wild and crazy memes today, I really liked that last one, haha.

    My spousal unit has experimented with AI, but I just don’t care to go there.

    1. You are missing out on too much right now with the AI.

  14. AI confuses me, but this was funny!

  15. Chat GPT is wild. The hubs is UDIO.com to make songs. He just types certain perimeters like: a Broadway song about Marcel the cat. (We have two cats.) It's nuts how quickly UDIO spits out a song with lyrics. It's ten seconds to makes a 33 sec song.

    1. Interesting. I might have to make a song about Lucy and Frizz.

  16. Interesting. I used the Microsoft AI to create the back cover picture for my latest book. Out of 9 suggestions, I chose the one with the fewest spelling errors. AI has a way to go before it destroys the world.

    1. It is so surprising how poor AI does with art and grammar.

  17. Managing cookies means don't eat the whole box in one go, save some for later.

  18. Oh my lord this post was a hoot. And the memes!! Loved the cremation and pizza oven as well seasonal incontinence. I don't think Flonase would work for that. :-)

  19. Anonymous4/25/2024

    Super post


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