
Thought of the day

This will be my 110th post of the year, which is the second-most blog updates I have done since I started COADWG back in 2005. During that inaugural year, I posted 224 times.
I just find it hard to believe because I haven't been that active for the last few months. 
I was going great until August and then I hit the snooze button. 
Once a week seems to be my cadence right now and that seems to be working. 

P.S. Since I didn't post during Thanksgiving week, I didn't mention that my darling and wonderful Hayden turned another year older.
She is now 12. I am so grateful that I get to be a girl dad and even more grateful that I am Hayden's dad. She is the best and I love her so much. 

“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her,
the most potent moral force in her life,
was the love of her father.” — Harper Lee

Meme dump 

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. 
Talk to you soon.

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Happy Birthday to Hayden! Twelve is an exciting time of life. I was just thinking the other day that when I was around that age, I made a number of decisions about how I wanted to live my life that truly did determine how my life has gone so far. And they were all good decisions. I regret nothing. So it's a significant age, when we first start to come into our own.

    1. Awesome to hear, Debra, and thank you.

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Hayden!!!

    That Harper lee quote is perfection.
    And that bit about the yogurt is true.

  3. One of my granddaughters turned 12 in November, too. Happy birthday to your girl! So much truth to that parenting meme at the end. 🙄

  4. Happy Birthday to Hayden!

  5. The Norwegian language does provide a giggle now and then. I watching a fun Xmas flick set in Norway just last night. Apparently, the people who brought you 'fartsdumper' also celebrate 'teeny, tiny Christmas' on Dec. 22! Happy B-day to Hayden!

    1. I think I know the movie you are talking about, Bea, and thank you.

  6. Your Harper Lee quote brought tears to my eyes. I'm a terrible sap. Plus, well, let me applaud you. This is a truly excellent batch of memes. You have outdumped yourself.

    1. Thanks, Debby. It is a great feat when I can outdump myself.

  7. Happy Birthday Hayden!

    And tapping the breaks twice = hysterical

  8. Happy Birthday to Hayden. Love the Harper Lee quote. I just got to thinking and in my entire family there is not one twelve year old.

  9. The pizza delivery is a hoot!

  10. OMG that parenting one is spot on! It’s always pissed me off 🤣 Hayden is indeed an adorable girl. Glad her birthday included a delicious cake.

  11. Yay!
    Please say Happy Birthday to Hayden!
    And the one about the bus driver tapping the break twice so they'd nod? Genius.


  12. You will soon be entering the phase where you start staring town teenage boys and keeping a baseball bat in plain view when any come for a visit. - Father of two girls

  13. Dads have a lot of influence on their daughters. Being kind and gentle sets them up to have happy relationships later in life too. Happy Birthday to Hayden! What a lovely girl! I hope she has an excellent year being twelve :)
    Love the memes, especially the dog going bark. And that last meme? I confess it's not just my kids who did that. I still do it myself.

  14. Happy birthday to Hayden.
    My grandson turns 11 next month. Oh how time flys.

  15. I like the once a week postings too. Those memes are great. Hayden is so beautiful and grown up looking.

  16. Hayden had a good lookin' cake there. That meme for the delivery is a hoot. Hayden is lucky to have you for a Dad. Dad's are so very important in a young girls life!

  17. Happy birthday Harper...and the one about the bus driver made me laaaaaaaaaaaaagh.

  18. Happy birthday, Hayden! I bet that cake went fast.

  19. Happy Birthday to Hayden!


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