
It feels way too soon but hey, it's June! 
How you doing? 
I am doing pretty good.
Thanks for asking. 
We took a little vacation to the Golden State for a family wedding and now I am back.
I ended up blogging 57 days in a row before I took a break.
But, as I am putting together this update, it feels like I haven't blogged in forever. 
I did enjoy updating more frequently and I am going to try and blog more. 
I am not sure what the schedule will be like but it will be more than once a week
I hope you are staying safe and sane in your corner of the world.
Thanks for stopping by, hope all is well and I will probably talk to you tomorrow. 

May challenge update

My goal was to be a better sports dad.
Mrs. Shife helped give me some perspective that I need to just enjoy watching Hayden playing softball.
And that is what I did. 

June challenge

Get used to my new work schedule.
I am changing my work hours to four 10-hour days so I can have three-day weekends during the summer. 
Mrs. Shife already has that day off so it will be nice to have that extra time with the family. 

June collars

Here is Ms. Frizzle's collar for the month:

Here is Lucy's collar for the month:

Team Lucrizzle

What am I watching?

This is what I have on my streaming to-do list:

Somebody Somewhere - Season 1


The Amazing Race - Season 15

Mr. Shife's Book Of The Month Club

Meme dump

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream.


  1. Yes, Pee Wee Herman IS the expert on chicken choking, isn't he. Good LOLs today -- I stole the April Fools one plus the fabulous Pride Bear GIF, thanks!

  2. Good luck on the new work schedule. I hope you like blogging more. Those meme's are funny.

  3. I would have liked to do four 10-hour days. But I was in a bunch of softball leagues so I needed to get off at 5.

    1. The early games for us are at 6:30 so the softball schedule didn't interfere.

  4. June 25th is my older daughter's birthday and it's not here yet. The months are flying by, but not THAT fast. I hope the 4 10s is an easy adjustment; many are on that schedule and love it!

    1. I think I will like it but it is going to take some adjusting as I have been getting off at 4 pm for more than 3 years now. Happy early birthday to the oldest daughter!!

  5. I'm not sure if I like the idea of having a drunk little elf in my phone or not! Collars don't get changed monthly around here, but my inside dog (Pat) has put on his stars and stripes for the summer.

    1. I like it because then I can blame them for my fat fingers. We have a couple of spoiled doggos here so monthly refreshes are the norm.

  6. I'm glad you hope to keep blogging more; your posts are always worth reading. (no pressure, though)
    I think the meme about autocorrect might actually help me not get so cross about the suggestions it makes. Good luck with the new work schedule - an extra day off each week would rock; too bad you have to make it up the other four days :).

    1. Thanks, jenny_o. Support like yours is what makes blogging worthwhile. It is also a lot sunnier out this time of year so I think that is going to help me working a little later. Fingers crossed it goes well.

  7. I wished I'd had a Chicken Choking book as a child.

    Good on you for the long weekends in Summer.

    1. I think that book would have helped me out a lot too, Bob.

  8. I can't believe that the first week of June is already in the books. Yikes!

  9. I tried that 4 ten our day routine for about 6 months and hated it.

    1. I am one day in and so far, so good but I am also working from home.

  10. *Nervously raise a hand* 'Sir? I don't understand that last meme.'

    1. Hello, Debby. The reason way that last meme spoke to me is because I routinely replay conversations I have with others and figure out if I have could have said something differently or better. So the shampoo bottles would be my imaginary audience and when I come up with a good comeback while I am replaying these conversations they were go crazy. Make sense?

  11. Great post. I really liked the memes--the autocorrect elf and the Amazon box saving wife. I bet her husband drove straight through the garage door while looking at all those charges on this card.

    1. I know I would have done that if I saw that many boxes on our porch.

  12. I don't do monthly challenges. I have a year round challenge to get out of bed before breakfast becomes lunch. I don't understand that last meme either.

    1. I hope you have been successful in your challenges, River. Debby didn't get that meme either and I hope I answered what the meme was getting at in my reply to her.

  13. Mrs. Ed has had a four day schedule for over a year now. We really enjoy the extra day, especially in the summer months when one of those extra days is spent gardening. It is like we can garden a whole day and still have a regulation weekend off afterwards.

    1. Looking forward to that extra day and Mrs. Ed's seal of approval doesn't hurt.

  14. The drunk elf is a good description. How is Somebody Somewhere? I just started bingeing Smartless On Tour and am enjoying it. I think you would, too.

    1. We are three episodes in and it's keeping us engaged. Mrs. Shife is enjoying it more than me but I like it enough to see where it goes. Smartless is on my list to watch. Thanks, Bijoux.


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