Howdy March

Frizzle and Lucy took the surprise snow much better than I did

Hi there, it's Mr. Shife, Happy March! And Mother Nature is not messing around. I woke up to a surprise of nearly 4 inches of snow this morning. Hopefully, the weather folklore holds true as March weather starts roaring like a lion and goes out nice and calm like a lamb.

Hi there, it's Mr. Shife, Happy March! And Mother Nature is not messing around. I woke up to a surprise of nearly 4 inches of snow this morning. Hopefully, the weather folklore holds true as March weather starts roaring like a lion and goes out nice and calm like a lamb.

Despite the weather, March is nice. 
Two of my favorite people celebrate their birthdays this month, Kyle and Mrs. Shife. Yay! 
And Kyle starts his track season, Hayden starts spring softball, and I become a part-time Uber driver. 
I hope you are staying safe, sane, and snowless in your corner of the world. 
Thanks for stopping by, hope your week is going well and I will talk to you soon.

February challenge update

At one point in February, I did reach my weight goal loss.
And we are going to leave it at that. 
I am comfortable where I am when I step on the scale and that makes me happy. 

March challenge

No red sauce. 
I had a tomato allergy as a kid and I thought I outgrew it but it has come back in the past few years.
I am going to take a break and see if that helps with some bloating issues.
I am going to miss pizza but it will just taste that much better in April.

March collars

Here is Ms. Frizzle's collar for the month:

Here is Ms. Lucy's collar for the month:

Team Lucrizzle

Team Lucrizzle took a moment to pose for yours truly. 
It looks like Ms. Frizzle is trying to smolder and Lucy is wondering why I am not wearing pants.

What am I watching?

This is what I have on my streaming to-do list:

The Last of Us - Season 1 
C.B. Strike - Season 1 
The Mandalorian - Season 3


Seinfeld - Season 4
Justified - Season 5

Mr. Shife's Book Of The Month Club

Meme dump

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 


  1. Online recipes drive me crazy! I love your dogs posing portrait style. You are getting the snow we normally have. It’s been the mildest winter of my life, for which I’m thankful.

    1. I like snow... in the mountains. We live in the valley and staying snow free is much cooler, Bijoux.

  2. Pasta, lol! I always miss steps or ingredients in on-line recipes because there is so much blather. I thought you were serious about part-time Uber driver until I remembered my years of delivering daughters to dance, gymnastics, music lessons, etc. :) Hope the snow melts soon!

    1. I was worried people might think I was serious about being an Uber driver, Margaret. Glad you caught it.

  3. C.B. Strike my new favorite...besides the Last of Us...damn...

    1. Last Of Us is pretty darn great, YDG

  4. The corn meme. Oy. Truth.
    The Last of Us ... love it.

    Lastly, thanks for that great quote about losing a pet. I posted it on my blog and everyone agrees that it's perfection!

    1. You are more than welcome, Bob. Glad it helped.

  5. Four inches? That's barely a dusting compared to Yosemite where some places got over 10 feet. The online recipe is so... damn accurate. The collars are nice. And don't forget, there's always white pizza.

    1. I need to find a good white pizza, Dave R. Haven't had much luck yet.

  6. Surprise snow, how lovely! March came in like a lamb here. I must say, Lucy IS looking at you very judgmentally, so you better start wearing pants again. Love your food LOLs at the end!

    1. She is always watching, always judging, Debra

  7. Anonymous3/02/2023

    Omg congrats on the weight goal!
    It’s super hard to get to that point.
    Team Lucrizzle is adorable!!

    I’m totally into The Last of Us and the Mandalorian and you know Pedrois my main motivation.



    1. Pedro is a pretty hot commodity these days, Sixpence

  8. Yike! Snow! A cruel joke. It was 65 in NE Ohio one 1 March. Ms. Lucy is growing into a lovely, mature lady. I am sorry for my initial doubt, and you may give her the message.

    1. I will pass along the message, Joanne.

  9. You drop a bomb about becoming a part time Uber driver and then continue on?

    Track season has begun for us too. I hope it warms up a bit before that first meet. Last year was pretty brutal as a spectator.

    1. Sorry, Ed. I was implying that I am going to be running my kids all over town when I referred to myself as an Uber driver.

  10. "And we're just going to leave it at that", can work for a lot of things :) Love the pic of team Lucrizzle, Lucy is really growing.

    1. She is, kden. We need to make sure she doesn't get too wide.

  11. The corn made me laugh. Happy birthday! I had a birthday last month.
    We didn't get anywhere near that amount of snow. I some flurries that was it. Other parts of Vegas got an inch or two.

    1. When is the last time the city got snow? I know Mt. Charleston gets some but that is out of town.

  12. Happy March Mr. Shife! I wish I could say we are staying snowless but we got 9 inches of heavy wet snow on Friday. Luckily the temps have been so that about 50% of it is melted already and should be gone by the end of the week! Funny memes and I have to admit the first one took me a second!

  13. It has begun to snow here. We are due 3-5 inches. That high pitched whine you hear is me.

    1. My condolences, Debby. We are still getting snow.

  14. I want to feel Lucy's ears so badly. We had a beagle/bluetick with similar ears and they were so, so soft. Also, do you pronounce the "c" in Lucrizzle like an s or a kl? I need to know :)
    Thanks for your mention of a gratitude journal being helpful for depression and apathy on your last post in reply to my comment. It's strange, I had just started doing that a couple of days before your reply, and it was surprising me the difference it made. I'm glad you helped solidify the connection in my head.
    Yay for reaching your goal on the scales. That's awesome! Also, have you ever had a donair pizza? It has donair sauce instead of tomato sauce and it is amazing. It might just be a Nova Scotia thing but I thought I'd mention it. The pizza does come with chopped tomato on top but you can get it without.

    1. We call them the lucky basset ears and Lucy's are especially soft.
      It is pronounced with a k sound.
      Now you know, jenny_o.
      Good to hear about the gratitude journal. It really does work.
      Thanks for the pizza recommendation.

  15. Sorry about the snow. I'm happily away. We will return at the end of the month, which presumably means we've missed the winter at home. YIPPEE SKIPPY! Congrats on your Feb weight and being where you want and are comfortable with. I haven't been on the scales since leaving who knows. I know I put on some around the middle as close were fitting more snugly. But, things seem to be improving in that area when I put on those garments again. Fingers crossed. Have fun with the upcoming birthdays.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. Enjoy your time away.


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