Spring Surprise

Mother Nature Madness 

It has been an interesting week.
It snowed on Monday.
A lot.
The local ski mountain, which is 16 miles away, got 18 inches of snow.
Some parts of Boise got 4 inches.
It was not an ideal way to start the week especially since it is freakin' May 9.
In 123 years of recorded weather, we have only had snow 4 other times in May.
Below is a picture I took the day after our May snowstorm when I was on my walk with Ms. Frizzle.
The snow had melted in town but the mountains still had plenty of the white stuff. 

I mean even the wild turkeys weren't sure what to do.
Yes, that is a wild turkey cruising down our street at 7 in the morning.
Never saw that before.
Like I said, it has been an interesting week.

 Blast from the past

An update from 8 years ago about the joys of shopping alone: 

April challenge

My challenge for the fourth month of year was to take a photo of things I adore or appreciate and I did it. 
Here's the link to the photo album if you want to check out what made me happy in April.
Unfortunately, the captions didn't come through so if you have questions about a photo, let me know.

Meme dump

Thanks for stopping by, talk to you soon and have a fantastic rest of your week.

I will persevere. 
I will keep moving forward. 
I will be the stream.


  1. Well, darn. The photo album didn’t open for me. Normally, we do get snow in May, but none so far. However, there’s still time! I feel dumb, but I don’t get the Lay’s meme?

    1. Someone (and that someone is me) put in the wrong URL, Bijoux, so that is why it wouldn't open but it is fixed now. The Lay's meme refers to their chip bags being half empty or half full if you work for them.

  2. I wish we got snow more often.
    I found you on Twitter but it looks like you haven't posted anything since 2021.

    1. I have gone quiet on social media, Mary. It is better for my mental health.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Haha that Yoga meme cracked me up.
    I can't believe that you had snow in May. Here in this part of the UK we've had none all year. Or wild turkeys ...

    1. Maybe next year will be your year, Joey. Or you can just visit Idaho.

  5. Nice pics! Do you think the VR was worth it? I'm debating. Skyrim, you know? Like Fus Ro Dah! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8THFJ3siv0

    1. Kyle plays it occasionally, Dave R. He has kind of lost its magic to him. But from what I can it is totally cool but I am not a teenage boy. And I think Fus Ro Dah would be quite fun.

  6. Perhaps the wild turkey was looking for snow??

    Carlos has both Hayden and Kyle tendencies at CostCo.

    1. Or ice? I know folks that love some ice in their Wild Turkey. You are throwing me softballs, Bob. I don't envy you at Costco.

  7. That is a crazy amount of snow. That was probably the same day we had rain, hail, wind, thunder, lightening and 2 tornados! Nice photo album :)

    1. Yikes! I forget how crazy spring weather can be up north, kden.

  8. We have wild turkeys here, strutting through the yard. There will be no snow in May; There will be no snow in May; There will be no snow in May; There will be no snow in May; please.

  9. My last year of running a camp in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho (summer of 1990), we had snow twice in August, but we were a little higher than Boise.

    1. The Sawtooths are awesome, Jeff.

  10. Snow! Wowsa, I thought you lived in Idaho, not the North Pole. That photo of the mountains is stunning though. The photo album is a great project. I should do something similar. But I may be too lazy. ;)

    1. Maybe your trip visiting the grandson will help with your photo album inspiration, Margaret.

  11. I think that turkey got fed up with the snow and is moving to your neighborhood! I love your description of shopping with a monkey and an octopus. I remember those days. Your photo album of your April challenge is wonderful!

  12. OMG the photo album is sooooo cute! Fantastic project.
    And I cannot believe you guys had snow! We'd had ninety degree days in Chicago. For real.
    I think the turkey cruising down the street was the cincher.


    1. Thanks, Sixpence. I am not ready for 90 degrees but it beats the snow. Stay cool.

  13. Multiply the turkey by 40, add a dozen deer, a fox, a groundhog and the occasional bobcat and you will have the daily animal traffic by our house. One turkey is a great start in November!

    1. I think Ms. Frizzle would love living with you, Ed.

  14. I hate it when mother nature throws you a curve ball. We finally started getting good weather here, but next week it appears temperatures will be dipping back down :(.

    1. We are at her mercy, Bathwater, and she seems to be getting angrier with us.

  15. love your photo album and stole the wizard meme...snow? feck..we're setting record highs for May here ...every day we break a record...it's been 3 digets most days..and it's fucking May..and Abbott's wheeling around in his electric high chair telling us to turn the thermostat up..fucker.

  16. Oh, Mr Shife! "Hi".

  17. I love me a good meme dump. Makes me feel a few pounds lighter. You always give good meme.

    1. I am good for something, Deedles.

  18. Anonymous5/13/2022

    Hi Mr Shife, This is unfortunately the last blog post that we get to read together before we go home from university for the summer :( Thank you for the entertainment throughout the year!
    From Brian and Juliet

    1. Thank you, Brian and Juliet. Enjoy your summer break and visit when you get a chance.

  19. All worthy things to adore and appreciate! Love the memes!

  20. Well shoot, here's the way my mind works....I now want some potato chips, even if the bag is half full.

  21. I need to try that style of yoga, lol. Can't believe you got that much snow. ARGH. Glad it melted fast Cute meme's.

  22. No snow here, thank goodness! There are some turkeys in town, they are interesting. And annoying when in the middle of the road and won't move. One time a big tom turkey must have seen it's reflection in the chrome on hub's truck and was going after it like it was another turkey. Whoever got us on their house cameras must have gotten a laugh seeing us trying to get him out of the way so we could drive home. Fun times. lol
    I enjoyed the memes and the photos.

    1. That is a funny turkey story, Mary. We have turkeys in the area but it is unusual for them to come into town or maybe they have always been here and I just never noticed.

  23. Love the memes Mr. Shife, especially the Lays one! That was indeed a weird week and I imagine you were relieved when it was over. Hang in there, surely some summer weather is coming soon. Here they tell us it will be cool until it's hot, with no in between. Maybe that's true for your area too.

    1. I think I am going to adopt the cool until it's hot mindset, jenny_o. You hang in there too.


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