Falling Back

What's making me happy

Hi there.
It has been 604,800 seconds since we last talked. 
I hope you are well.
So what is making me happy? 
Well, spring break is next week.
I am looking forward to heading to Mexico, drinking way too much, working on my tan and trying to impress some young ladies.
Oh wait.
This is my adulting blog.
I kid.
But that was the mindset about 25 years ago. 
Damn I am getting old.
Me and a few of my fraternity brothers would leave the never ending winter of Moscow, Idaho to head south to the more weather-friendly confines of Mexico.
One year we drove. 
And it is a drive.

But we had lots of fun. 
Even more fun when we weren't driving.
48 hours is a long time to be in a car.
Probably why we decided to fly the next year.  
Now as a happily-married father of two, I am looking forward to doing much of nothing over the break.
We have a few plans but nothing too crazy as the last few weeks have been a little hectic with the kids going back to school in-person full-time and my work being super busy for me. 
But I might work on my tan and try to impress that young lady I call my wife. 

What's not making me happy

I already knew the world was full of stupid people but the amount of people dead from the neck up seems to accelerating or my tolerance is decreasing. 
So many precious, empty-headed little shit nuggets and so little time. 
Here are two of my recent favorites: the man who blamed his racism on diabetes and the Idaho politicians who decided we couldn't have the Powerball anymore because Australia might use the money for anti-gun campaigns. 


That young lady I mentioned earlier is getting older this week. 
Happy birthday to the lovely, talented, amazing, awesome and wonderful Mrs. Shife.
She really does complete me and I would be lost without her. 
You wonderful folks that have been reading this blog long enough to know that isn't hyperbole. 
I would be an absolute cockwomble without my wife. 


  • Since it is still fresh on our minds, can we please make this the last time we have to change our clocks. There's hope on the horizon but we are talking about politicians who can't seem to agree on anything these days so it will probably get voted down because it's not patriotic enough or it's too patriotic or it's too conservative or it's too socialist. 
  • I need to find another hobby besides playing with the filters on my webcam. 

Go Out On A Meme

I will try and do better.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. and ignorant maskholes in your state don't wanna get the vax/wear a mask.
    what a lovely tribute to your wife! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    just say NO to the filters.
    the dog is probably a harder worker than some humans are.

    1. Thank you. I will pass along the birthday wishes. Yes, I think you are right about the doggo, anne marie in philly.

  2. Ah, those old spring break days were so much fun. Drinking too much is putting it lightly. I wish I could remember more, but you know the whole drinking too much thing. I even loved spring break once the kids came along - no homework, but obviously this year is much different for those of you who still have kids in school. Happy birthday to Mrs. Shife! Now please stop playing with the filters on your webcam, that's just creepy.

    1. Thanks for Mrs. Shife's birthday wishes, Martha. I will do my best to do better with my filters.

  3. Snort on that card meme! Hilarious! Ok, I had no idea there was a Moscow, Idaho, but it sounds cold and snowy! I’ve only been to the eastern side and spent a lovely evening in Idaho Falls before heading to Jackson Hole.the diabetes blame game cracked us up. I have hypertension and I have to say, I might use that now to excuse my lack of temper control. Happy Birthday to your wifey!

    1. Yes, we had some epic winters in Moscow. I do not miss that. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Bijoux.

  4. I looked up cockwomble because it must have a meaning, and by golly, it does. Oh my goodness. Happy birthday to Mrs. Shife.

    1. It is a beauty of a word, isn't it? Thanks, Joanne.

  5. I often take my dog to work with me--it's good to have one competent mammal in the office.


    1. I agree, Jeff. Frizzle is the smart one at my office.

  6. Happiest of birthdays to S!!!
    Have a fun spring break.
    xoxo :-)

  7. "I just think they could do better."
    Slayed me!!!

    Racist diabetic?
    Slay him.

  8. Well, a lot of cockwombles go on to make lots of money in politics. You don't know...maybe Mrs. S is actually holding you back from reaching your full potential. You'd have to probably relocate though. They seem to thrive especially well in Texas and Kentucky.

    Happy birthday to Mrs. S!

    1. I think I have too much empathy and a conscience to make a good politician, Debby, but never say never.

  9. Happy Birthday to the wonderful Mrs. Shife!

    I heard about that guy that blamed his racism on his diabetes! You are right - dead from the neck up.

    You know I eventually got to a stage in life where the best Spring Break was not working and staying home. Of course that is because if I went on Spring Break when I got older I would need another week to rest up from the first!

    1. Thank you, Bonnie. I think I will be looking forward to work after spending a week with the kids over the break.

  10. I say we permanently move the clocks up 2 hours!

  11. Cockwomble, shit nugget, diabetes-induced racism- my day just turned a wee bit brighter! My wife and I have vastly increasing conversations about the stupidity we're surrounded by. Happy Birthday to the wifey, by the way. Hopefully it'll remain as a reminder that my Greatest Significant Other in the World's is coming up soon.

    1. Good luck with the reminder, balanced.

  12. Happy Bday to Mrs. Shife! Woot woot!
    And Spring Break when in college does have a totally different meaning. Totally. Oh dear.
    So cool you'll get to chill with the Fam. Bet the kids going back to school full time has been a change.
    And Moscow, Idaho? I had to google it.


    1. Thanks, Sixpence.
      Moscow isn't much but a college town.

  13. Here here to no more changing of the clocks. I do prefer one over the other but at this point, pick one and stick with it!!!
    Happy Birthday to Mrs. Shife. I did spring break back in 1979. It was Fort Lauderdale Florida. A lot of hugging toilets as I recall and I don't recall a lot. :-)

    As for the racist who diabetes caused him to have racist tourettes is such an Ahole it is sickening.
    Remember that shirt I told you my husband has of a dogs snout? The caption on the shirt reads, I smell stupid people. He proudly wears that and I want to hid when he does. Then he got stopped at the grocery store by two young men in their 30s and 40s who told him they loved the shirt and gave him thumbs up. I guess it is a popular theme now isn't it?

    1. After that encounter, Rick is never going to get rid of that shirt, Peg.

  14. Apparently, many politicians in numerous states are cockwombles. What a great word! I HATE the hour time changes, as I also ranted about on my blog. Happy Vacation to you and Happy Birthday to your wife! Lots to celebrate in our own older but wiser ways.

    1. I am a big fan of cockwomble. Thanks for the vacation and birthday wishes.

  15. Happy Birthday to your Missus!

    My sleep is still a bit messed up since the time change. Hoping to have more solid sleep come the end of the week.

    1. Thanks, Bea. My sleep has been crap as well. I have the same hopes as you.

  16. I did realize we changed the clocks until Monday morning when I was driving into the office and someone mentioned it on the radio. I drove 5600 miles on the 24 day road trip I took in December. Never did the spring break thing.

    1. #LockTheClock.
      That is a big trip, Bathwater.

  17. I have to admit you look quite good on that filter. Lol.
    Happy Birthday to your wife!

    1. Finally someone noticed. Thanks, Joey.

    2. tell Mrs. Shife a very very happy birthday. hope it was glorious...

    3. Thanks, jackiesue.

  18. I had missed the story about the idiot blaming racism on diabetes. Maybe he got the idea from when Roseanne blamed it on Ambien.

    Happy birthday to Mrs. Shife.

    I had no idea there was a Moscow in Idaho! I sometimes refer to western NC as Siberia when I'm being especially whiney about the cold, so I would have thought you were being facetious if you hadn't posted the map.

    1. I forgot about Roseanne's Ambien story.

  19. Happy birthday to Mrs. Shife! So, beer and chocolate cake??? Just wondering :-)

  20. Just got back from our own epic spring break drive of 3000 miles spread over nine days, some of it marked out on your map above. The kids are now in school and I'm going to spend the day catching up on bills, reading blogs and writing posts for the future of my blog. Today is my true spring break day.

    1. Welcome back, Ed. Look forward to hearing about your trip.

  21. My kids were wanting to stick at home too. I asked them, "Do you want to ____?" multiple times and with multiple options to fill in the blank and each time they said no. I was okay with that.

  22. kids, i've had a few, but then again too few to mention.

    the little sons of bitches rarely call me these days.

    1. Hello there, stranger. Good to hear from you.

  23. My dog is employee of the month as well. Last month it was the male cat and the month before that my female cat. The month before that, no one got the honor.

    Happy birthday to Mrs. Shife.


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