Mr. Shife's February Frenzy Day 9

 Things I need to do sooner than later include:

  • Get a book called On Looking: A Walker's Guide to the Art of Observation. It sounds like the book attempts to help you see things a little differently and I am all for it. I am so guilty of being judgmental and anything that can help me try to be less of that is a good thing. 

  • Get my cholesterol down. I got a stern talking to by my doctor as my numbers aren't that great. If they were a bowling average then I would be a darn good bowler. I'll get it squared away as I've got too much to life for and a few changes here and there should bring it down to where it needs to be. 

  • Be a better friend. I am setting the bar super high but my goal is to connect with a buddy of mine on the phone or in person at least once a month. I am fortunate that I have a pretty good social circle but I can get real lazy about staying in touch with them. Wish me luck.

  • And that would be day 9 for those of you scoring at home on when I'd hit creative rock bottom. I've been stressed out with some work stuff, some health stuff and some family stuff. Lots of stuff. 

I will try and do better tomorrow.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. Oh, stuff. It always gets in the way, no?
    Especially during this pandemic. Everything is kind of magnified because we cannot escape ourselves. The story of Drew Robinson is very touching. Depression is no joke. I'm glad he survived. Talk about seeing things differenlty.
    And I feel you with the 'staying in touch'. I make myself text my friends at least once a week. We have been thinking about having Thirsty Thursdays scheduled sometime next month, where we would just sit around for awhile and drink wine while bitching and gossiping on Zoom.
    And don't let all that stuff get to you.


    1. Thanks, Sixpence. Hope you get to have a Thirsty Thursdays with your friends.

  2. A great list! I feel as though I keep falling into the ‘After Covid’s Over’ trap and not working on anything.

    1. I hear ya, Bijoux. I am going to give it a shot and hopefully it will lead to better outcomes.

  3. Stuff always gets in the way.
    The Drew Robinson thing. Wow. People, most people, think depression is solved by taking a walk. Wrong.
    I find that i am a fairly observant person. But we could all pay a little more attention.
    Oatmeal for cholesterol; real oatmeal, not that instant shiz.
    And I too. sometimes take too long between connecting, or reconnecting, with friends.
    Don't beat yourself up; it's life.

    1. Thanks, Bob.
      I remember being that naive about depression. I thought I could just take a pill and it would magically be all better. Unfortunately, you have to do other things like therapy, writing, meditating, etc.

  4. For some dark humor, see below about Russian roulette if it were an Olympic sport.

    1. Thanks, Ed. I always appreciate a good link.

  5. I GOT MY BOOK MARKER! YAYZ! (does happy dance)

    admirable goals to strive for. carry on.

  6. It seems like there is always stuff...different stuff at various times--but still things to deal with. That must be the definition of life. Hope you can get the cholesterol under control; did the doc recommend any medication? Sometimes it's tough to do just with dietary changes.

    1. Yes, he put me on Crestor. If my body is happy with it then it should take my levels down about 30 percent.

    2. Yes, that's a statin so watch out for any muscle aches. Lipitor gave my husband horrible calf cramps, so he took himself off it.

  7. There's always stuff isn't there? Good luck with getting yours in order. I know you can because you are a good, strong and capable person. I have the cholesterol problems too and I feel your pain. Take good care of yourself!

    1. I will do my best and thank you, Bonnie.

  8. We girls do well on the phone. Kick back, stretch out on the couch, glass o'wine and connect with somebody.

    1. It's not a bad way to live, Joanne.

  9. I hate 'stuff', it really does quell the creativity. I'll be seeing a new doc in a few weeks so we'll see what she doesn't like about my numbers.


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