Mr. Shife's February Frenzy Day 8

  • Do you see Hayden? She was practicing her meditation skills on the top of a hill overlooking our fair city. I hope to be as cool as her someday.

  • Do you see what I see? I spied this when I was driving around today and thought it was rather interesting that Tesla was using a Ford as its service vehicle. 

  • Do you see the love bunnies? Captain Snowball and Lady D (Daphne) are really effing like rabbits. Kudos to the person who came up with that phrase because it is spot on. And am I a pervert because I have about 10 of these photos on my phone? 

  • Do you find this meme amusing? I did and If you did, then you might be a genius. Individuals that like dark humor may have higher IQs, show lower aggression and resist negative feelings more effectively than people who think it is offensive. 

I will try and do better tomorrow.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. And Tesla even has a "truck" unless they are still working on the unbreakable windows aspect of it.

    Do they make rabbit condoms?

    I've often wished there were more sharks along our coasts where all the crazy people live to "thin" out the heard.

    1. Nope but they are fixed so no bunnies. Just a couple of rabbits having recreational sex. That is a sentence I am sure I never thought I would type.

  2. Ford should make an ad of that.
    Effing bunnies!
    And I like the meme; it sounds like something I would say, and I think I'm going to.

  3. where you live looks interesting.
    tesla sux, as does elon musk (a stupid name for an ignorant freak).
    bwhahahaha at the meme!
    and rabbits doing the nasty...heh heh.

    1. Idaho is amazing, anne marie in philly.

  4. The meme took me 15 seconds, only because I thought it was going to be Trekkie humor, which would go over my head! Lol, I thought the bunnies were fake.

    1. Glad you got it, Bijoux. The joke and the bunnies. =)

  5. Oh man these were good ones. Tesla driving a ford and the shark is funny! Yes a bit dark but that makes it funny darn it! I can truly say I've never seen rabbits doing it so I guess I can thank you. :-)

  6. We used to play a game, when the original Star Trek
    was in reruns, who could get the story of that
    episode first. (Early 80s)
    xoxo :-)

    1. I might have to play that game with Kyle.

  7. I thought it was Star Trek humor, so it took me a while. ;) Rabbits are very prolific at procreation.

    1. They seem to know what they are doing, Margaret.

  8. Do you get lots of baby rabbits or are these fixed?

  9. The Tesla thing is hilarious. I'm jealous of the scenery that you have. I love Florida, but I'd love to have the hills and mountains that you live around.

    1. We are pretty spoiled here in Idaho, Jon.

  10. Okay, that Tesla thing is hilarious! And I foresee a bunny population boom. in your future. I love that your kids meditate.

    1. The bunnies are fixed... allegedly. Well they have been humping for a year and no bunnies yet.

  11. Great picture of Hayden. I do believe I am a genius, that's why I stole your meme.


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