Back to School

  • At this point in 2020, we will take any sense of normalcy that we can get.
    And we got a small piece of it back today.
    Kyle and Hayden's school had their first day of kids being back in-person.
    Granted it is only Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
    And it is only twice a week.
    But it is a start.
    Kyle and Hayden aren't scheduled to go back for another two weeks.
    It was nice hearing the sounds of kiddos playing in the schoolyard.
    It has been more than 6 months since kids were back at school. 
  • Not everyone was happy about the kids being back in school.
    Since we back up to the schoolyard, Frizzle has had unfettered access to the area since March.
    Now her open range is closed during school hours.
    She said she is going to throw herself into reading to pass the time.
  • Kyle found his pumpkin. 
    Any guesses on its weight? 
    It weighs more than him if that helps you out. 
    According to my half-assed internet research, the pumpkin weighs as much as a newborn calf.
    I give really great clues, don't I? 
  • Yellow labs in the mirror are closer than they appear.
  • To help Frizzle deal with being crestfallen about school back in session, we took her for a hike. 
    Even Kyle and Hayden pretended to like it.

  • In actuality, everyone enjoyed the hike. 
    We had been cooped up for two weeks because of the horrible air quality from all of the fires in the area so it was nice to get out and enjoy Mother Nature. 

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great rest of your week.
Talk to you soon. 

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 

"To err on the side of passion is human and right and the only way I'll live."- Pat Tillman, 11/6/76 - 4/22/04 #GoneButNotForgetten


  1. Jeff and Abby had a nice hike today,
    same thing, smoke had prevented it
    for a while.
    Give them all hugs! xoxo :-)

  2. I'm guessing 80 pounds on the pumpkin. nice to have a spot of normal. what book is frizzle reading currently?

    1. Close, anne marie in philly. The pumpkin weighed 90 pounds. Ms. Frizzle is reading Harry Potter.

  3. Our school district is doing some wacky hybrid with A-L going Mon/Tues and M-Z Thurs/Fri. Again, I’m just happy to be out of that stage of life, even though that means I’m older!
    Holy cow that’s a big pumpkin. Someone in our neighborhood has a huge one like that on their front lawn every year. After a few years of living here, it dawned on me that it looks exactly the same every year. Now I think it’s fake! Glad the air quality is improving for you.

    1. Thanks, Bijoux. We are doing the same wacky hybrid.

  4. OK, 85 pounds for the pumpkin. No guess on Kyle.
    I am so happy I don't have to think about school, for children or for grandchildren. You millenial parents are damn cool.

    1. Close, Joanne. The pumpkin weighs 90 pounds. I wish I was as cool as you think I am.

  5. Looks like everyone had a fun time out in the woods! We did that too, yesterday and happened on a aggregation of ladybugs (go ahead, I'll wait while you look that up :-) I hope the kids enjoy some semblance of normalcy, even if it is for a couple of days a week! And make sure Ms Frizzle is reading The Call of the Wild,,,,

    1. I did look it up. I would love to stumble across an aggregation of ladybugs. We released some in our yard a few years ago but they didn't stick around. I will pass along your book suggestion to Ms. Frizzle.

  6. I'm so happy your air quality was improved enough for you to get out for a hike. It looks like Frizzle has about read herself to sleep. Maybe she needs a more exciting book. It is good to hear the schools are starting back even if a little at a time.

    I love Kyle's expression with his pumpkin. Judging by the way he looks I can not wait to see what kind of a spooky creature he turns that pumpkin into! With one that large the possibilities are endless!

    1. I am not sure what his plans are with the pumpkin, Bonnie. I will be sure to share if he does do something with it.

  7. I haven't been out of my basement for 4 months. What's going on out there?

    1. Everything is right as rain, Mike.

  8. Yep the kids in the UK are back at school now, but for how long who knows? It's looking like we may be going back into lockdown again. If I guessed a weight it would be in stones and pounds and you'd have no idea what I was talking about. :D

    1. It looks like 6.42857 stones, Joey. Maybe I should start saying my weight in stones. 12 stones sounds a lot better.

  9. OMG that's a huge pumpkin!
    And it's good that the kids went back to school. Hopefully they took precautions. Gosh it's such a crazy world when sending kids back to school needs to be planned with the accuracy of a military mission.
    The doggie looks adorable in the mirror!!


    1. It is quite massive, Sixpence.
      Crazy indeed. I am just hopeful we can make through the semester.

  10. Poor Frizzle. Hopefully she'll find some freedom in a book.

    1. Harry Potter is her choice right now, Bob.

  11. What's your dog reading? :-) No idea without cheating how much a new born calf weighs. But that is one big pumpkin. Will you be carving him/her?

    1. Harry Potter, Peg. Not sure about the carving. He hasn't decided yet. I still think he is trying to figure out how he can talk me into buying him another huge pumpkin.

  12. I don't know how to feel about School resuming in person, but then, here, we have 50% higher outbreak of spread and alarmingly high death rate again, so only a few Schools have taken the incredible risk. Some areas might do it responsibly and without incident but I'm guardedly optimistic about that. Our Granddaughter hasn't had her IEP or Special Ed Resources offered at all Online so she's struggling a lot and said she knows the only way she can improve her Grades is to go back in Person. I know this too, otherwise her Freshman Year is going to be tough and rough. I'm glad you all got out for a hike, I need to get out more now it's getting a bit Cooler, but it's often still over 100 and so I'm waiting a bit. I'm popping in and out of lockdown extended stay and feel rather like your Dog about it all... I'm sure it's confusing to the Animals, they pick up on how us Humans are behaving differently. My Cat has become quite neurotic during the Pandemic, she has a knowing something is very not right. She's also losing weight and I did hear once that Cats can catch this Virus so I worry about her as much as I do the rest of us. She's Old like us tho', so perhaps she's just Aging, which will continue whether we weather that well or not, right? *Winks* It beats the alternative. Love that enormous Pumpkin, every Year we like to see what is the largest one we can find being Sold and at least Photograph it.

    1. Hope you get to go on some hikes, Bohemian. I also hope the online schooling gets better for your GD.

  13. The weather has been so nice, beautiful blue skies all around. Awesome pumpkin. Curious how you got it in the house. And poor Ms. Frizz lost her running field; but there's always the weekends!

    1. I had to carry it into the house, kden. It was not a good idea but I didn't drop it.

  14. love this season, because temperature getting quite convenient and beautiful foliage colors....

    aww... big pumpkin, bigger than Kyle ...... may be take a year to consume its for

    Have enjoy and fun time in school for Kyle and Hayden.

    1. Thank you, Tanza. Fall is a favorite time for us as well.

  15. Happy kid, big pumpkin! Would it weigh 58 lbs.?

    1. You are closer to Kyle's weight than the pumpkin, Bea. The pumpkin weighed in at 90 pounds.


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