Random Acts of Shifeness - Rock On

So much winning by yours truly.
I brushed my teeth today at 2:47 p.m.
I know.
Thoughts like "I am a gift to humanity" or "an inspiration to a nation" or "a success story that no one saw coming" are not populating the space between my ears.
I look forward to lying to my dentist whenever I see him again.
Sweet Lincoln's mullet, I need to get back into a routine.
I also think mentioning it again on my blog might shame me into doing a better job.
Probably not.
But it's worth mentioning.
Expending all of that energy to brush my teeth almost wiped me out.
I almost wasn't sure if I had enough motivation to blog.
But then I thought of you.
And that was all I needed.
I am not staying the blog will be worth reading.
Nineteen sentences in and I think we know the answer to that question.
I thought I would share some photos for our most recent hiking adventure.
We went to the Little City of Rocks.
And for those of you scoring at home, we have now gone on 8 little trips since the lockdown.

There is a regular City of Rocks in Idaho but I wasn't sure if the Shifleys were ready to handle all of that rocking.
It's like going to Reno first to see if you can handle Las Vegas.
Or it's because the Litty City of Rocks is only 90 minutes away and the regular City of Rocks is more than 3 hours away.

And this last photo makes me laugh.
Ms. Frizzle taking a nap while a game called Dog Pile is on the table.

Have a fantabulous weekend.
Take care.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 

"To err on the side of passion is human and right and the only way I'll live."
Pat Tillman, 11/6/76 - 4/22/04 #GoneButNotForgetten


  1. Glad to see the kids getting out!
    Important for adults too :-)
    Give Frizzle loves from us.
    Stay well and brush your teeth!
    xoxo :-)

  2. Does that town have a suggestion box? I think it should be called Little City of Big Rocks. Please and thank you.

  3. That last picture made me laugh, too. Not Mrs. Frizzle. Drizzle. Frazzle. The little girl with the sweet pig tails bouncing, giving her dad rabbit ears or flashing the peace sign. Either will make me smile.

  4. Hey, during a pandemic brushing your teeth is a good subject for a post!

    You and your wife are great parents taking your kids out to cool but safe places for outings! I love the pictures.

    Mrs.Frizzle knows how to spend an afternoon! Have a great weekend!

  5. It's so great you're getting out and about; it really helps save the sanity (sort of). If we weren't working in the yard so much I'm sure we would try and do the same.

  6. You are a funny guy, Mr S :D I, also, have been contemplating lying to my dentist when I see her again. Not about brushing, but about wearing my bite plane. She may kick me out.

    I love the picture of Ms Frizzle WITH HER HEAD ON THE CUSHION!!!

    Your young 'uns look happy and healthy, as do you. Keep up the great work.

  7. I keep thinking about my teeth, and what happens if I get tooth ache or break a crown off, or a filling comes out, am I just going to suffer in silence for another 2 months or more? Okay now I'm going to brush my teeth!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Joan did a great job describing the joy of watching your kids out and about...

    Do not worry about lying to your dentist, he will take one look and know :-)

  9. Well, at least you brushed your Teeth, so I won't stand in judgment, since I am not even certain I did mine Today or not? I only got half dressed by mid-afternoon, Pajama Bottoms with Real T-Shirt on top counts now as getting Dressed in Real Clothing some days. We have been trying to do short outings too, as a Family we've needed to, so I was glad to see your Beautiful Family out at the City of Rocks, even if it was the Practice Location.

  10. well, I'm venturing out to the hearing aid center to get my new test for my new ears..hope it doesn't kill me..

  11. three pictures on the top so great...kids are happy outing...

  12. OMG this looks like so much fun!
    This is when I wish I’d lived closer to a national park or that going to the great outdoors we’re easy.
    The kids seem to be having a great time. So lucky can go out and have fun outdoors.
    The doggie pic made me laugh.


  13. Little City of Rocks looks nice. We did an outing to the forest recently, but it was still cold and windy so we didn't stay long.
    I am brushing my teeth very gently these days. I was in need for a couple procedures way before the lockdown so until our doc opens and does some catch up... I'm going real easy on the chompers.


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