March Madness 2019 - Shoshone Falls

Hello there.
Thank you one and all for the kinds words.
I really appreciate it.
I'm also grateful that you don't seem to mind me sharing my little corner of the world with you.
Even when the corner can be a little nostalgic or crestfallen.
To liven things up today and make some new memories, we were busy in our corner today.
The Shifleys hit the road at about 10 am and made it back home about 10 hours later.
It was a very full day.
And I look forward to sharing more about it with you.
But I will share one photo from today's adventures.
Here are me and the family at Shoshone Falls.

Thanks again for stopping by. I will talk to you soon.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. Looks kind of wet there! I suppose I should thank you for sharing your blog with us so that we can read your entertaining posts. "THANK YOU"

  2. So nice to be able to get out
    in the fresh air again after this
    The boys music is on the internets
    in a few places. Best place is

  3. The falls are beautiful, but wow ~ you guys look cold! No matter, taking a day trip can change your whole outlook. :-)

  4. Nice shot of you all getting wet! Haha.

  5. Brr - looks chilly, but beautiful. Looking forward to more on your day.

    You'll never lose Kyle in that glowing sweatshirt, eh? ha ha

  6. I think it first time I every seen a photo of Shoshone falls. And I live in Idaho, but the other end of the state.
    Coffee is on


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