March Madness 2019 - On This Day in Shifley History

Today is a pretty cool day if I must say so myself.
And it looks like I just did.
I got engaged to Mrs. Shife on this day in 1999.
20 years ago.
That's two decades, folks.
Damn, I am old.

And on this date in 2009 it was Kyle's due date. 
We thought it would be cool if he showed up on this day but he decided to make us wait until 3/31. 
Not as bad as Hayden, who decided to make us wait 15 days after her due date. 
Hayden's due date was Nov. 6, which happens to be Pat Tillman's birthday, who was my favorite football player. 
So I got some pretty good omens about my kiddos from their due dates. 

Thanks for stopping by. I will talk to you tomorrow. 

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. Good for Kyle. I'm honored to share his birthday.

  2. Those were the days! :-)

  3. Congratulations on everything! You are one lucky fella, Matt, but you already know that.

  4. That is a lot of good stuff stuffed into one day!


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