March Madness 2019 - More Time Travel Talk

I decided I would blog daily for my challenge this month.
It turns out time travel is fairly complicated.
But during my research, I discovered some really bad jokes.

-- Q: What do you call a time-traveling cow? A: Doctor Moo

-- The past, the present and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.

-- Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing into the future!
When did this start?
Next Thursday afternoon

-- I bumped into a very good friend who's a fellow member of my time traveling club. We go back years.

-- My friend invented a device to bring back herbs from the future. He calls it his "thyme machine."
I used to be addicted to time travel, but that's all in the past now.

-- A time traveler walks into a bar. He enjoyed his food so much he went back four seconds.

Well, that's all for today.
Talk to you tomorrow

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


  1. Okay! We'll follow along :-)

  2. -- Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing into the future!
    When did this start?
    Next Thursday afternoon --

    Love it!

    So, we are to be honoured with your presence every day? Watch me dance the celebration dance. See you tomorrow, then.

  3. Back To the Future is one of the all time great movies.

    And also I love Huey Lewis.

  4. But, persevering and moving forward, in the stream! What about them>

  5. Yay for daily blogging! I wish I could do that. I ran out of things to say after about two months and haven't recovered yet.

    If you haven't figured out the time travel thing yet, you're just not trying. Get back to work!! lol


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