The Wonderful World of Hayden

Nothing but Hayden this week.
And there's a lot of it.

  • Hayden the director. I cut this one off too soon. She added, "I am getting out of this business" right after I stopped filming.

  • Hayden explaining why you should have your hair curled.

  • A GIF of Hayden being fab.

  • A GIF of Hayden on school picture day.

  • A GIF of Hayden and her cool daddy hanging out at a soccer game.

  • A picture of Hayden being fierce.

Well, that's all for this week, folks. Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you soon. 

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Adorable, of course! Both of you ;-)

  2. looks like you two are having fun.
    Coffee is on

  3. Aren't daughters great? I love having a Daddy's Girl too.

  4. Oh, my! The "Hayden explaining why you should have your hair curled" reminds me so much of our grand-niece - the words, the tone, the body language! They are a hoot, aren't they? lol

  5. She is very intense and camera-ready!

  6. Well I'm glad to see she's full of confidence. :D

  7. I loved this post. Hayden is the tops, absolutely. You and your good lady must be very proud of both your children.

  8. Those were great!


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