Random Acts of Shifeness - Labrador Lessons

  • Sorry about the lack of words in last week’s post. We had some visitors for Mother’s Day weekend and it got a little busier around the house than I expected.
  • And here's Hayden with one of the visitor. Finn came for a visit and kept Ms. Frizzle pretty busy. He's the same age as Frizzy and they love to play. They also love to get as wet as caninely possibly and then get as much of it all over their humans. It's the best. 

  • Finn is pretty good about staying dry but he will follow Frizzle and then it's like I signed them up for synchronized swimming lessons. Here's a GIF of Frizzle playing in a sprinkler. I purposely took her to this area of the schoolyard because the sprinkler was barely on and I didn't think the Friz would mess with it. Another labrador lesson learned. She plopped and flopped and was wetter than a sea otter's pocket.

  • Kyle performed at a fundraiser for TRICA (Treasure Valley for Children's Arts) and things went pretty well. So well that Kyle got hoisted up by the TRICA director after their performance. One of the advantages of only weighing about 55 pounds.

  • Kyle has been pretty busy. He was also part of a LEGO rocket build at our local library. The rocket was so big that they had to remove a ceiling tile to get the last piece on the ship. 

  • Well that's is all for today, folks. Thanks for stopping by. Hope all is well and I will talk to you sooner than later. Take care.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 



  1. I love watching dogs play together; what happiness they must be feeling. Your kids seem so well rounded and like to do a lot of things. Good job to you and the Mrs. to encourage that.

  2. That's an impressive rocket! Your kids are so sweet. I miss mine being that age.

  3. Finn still has huge paws! That Lego rocket
    doesn't light up does it?? Bestest to you all :-)

  4. Sounds like your family doing great. Frizzle looks like he enjoying him self.
    Coffee is on

  5. Your children and dogs are so entertaining, Matt. I love reading about them. And I love the photos, especially the one of Kyle in mid-air. Gave a great weekend y'all.

  6. That lego rocket is pretty dope.


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