Random Acts of Shifeness - The Sgt. Hulka Edition

  • I don't recommend dropping a piece of plywood on your foot. Here's an artist's rendering of what I think my foot looks like:

And here's how my feet actually look: 

Don't they look awful? But I think the red nail polish really ties those toes together. 
  • In all actuality, I don't have a photo of my foot in it's current state because I haven't had a good opportunity to take a photo. I am writing my blog update while I am on my lunch break at work and I don't think me removing my shoe and sock in the lunch room would help me win employee of the month. 
  • I did get to drop a "Stripes" quote on Mrs. Shife because the bulk of the damage was to my big toe or my Sgt. Hulka.
  • Mrs. Shife and I have taken a different approach to the summer with the kids this year and it basically is to turn them into mermaids. Ever since it has warmed up, I don't think they have gone more than a week not being in or near a body of water. Mrs. Shife spent a lot of summers growing up at the lake so she loves being near the water when she can get the chance and Kyle and Hayden have definitely followed in her footsteps. Me, on the other hand, I didn't do a lot of water activities because of my ear. Since I had numerous ear surgeries as a kid, I had to do my best to keep that ear free and clear of the water as much as possible. Anyway, I am glad the kids are loving the water and enjoying the summer. 

  • Just a few more weeks and our yellow-bellied fur ball will be 1. I never thought I would like her as much as I do but Ms. Frizzle sure does make me happy. 
  • Here's your GIF of the week:

Thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you soon.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Healing vibes for your foot!
    Glad the kids enjoy the water.
    Abby and Tar send Frizzle loves.

  2. wow, ms frizzle has blossomed into a beautiful young lady.

    soaking my feet in hot water and epsom salts usually does the trick for me.

  3. Ow ow ow on the plywood meeting your foot. I'm sure the plywood won. And I'm sure your co-workers would be absolutely on board with you taking off BOTH shoes and BOTH socks in the name of providing your faithful readers with a good photo, so get busy and do that on Monday, okay? :)

    You are doing your kids a big service by getting them thoroughly comfortable in the water. They may need those skills someday (hopefully not) but swimming can also lead to teen jobs such as teaching swimming and lifeguarding. Not trying to make them grow up too fast, just saying. I wish I were more comfortable around the water. My husband swims like a fish. I swim like a lump of cement.

    Take care of that foot.

  4. I think it's great for kids to spend summer in the great outdoors. And boy, it has been hot enough to enjoy that water!

  5. That sure is a cute yellow fur ball. I hope you're having a terrific summer.

  6. Snap! You and me both with bothersome ear problems when we were kids. Life is so unfair sometimes! Hope your foot gets better soon. As for sumnmer, I am extremely jealous of you and yours. We had three days, that's all and now it's flipping cold and wet again. Climate change has a lot to answer for.

  7. PS. love the picture of Ms Frizzle.

  8. What is it about mermaids lately? They are all over the blogs. lol
    My daughter and her family love their outdoor time in the summer months. When they aren't in their pool, they are off fishing, and next on their list is a big camping trip. I'll watch summer from our enclosed porch. ;)

  9. I understand your water predicament, as my somewhat compromised position this week has me avoiding it as well, with my wife taking over water duties with the kids.

  10. Anonymous7/29/2017

    Ouch, I hope your foot is better. That sounds painful.

    I've never been much of a water bug myself; my mom tried everything but I just didn't care for it. Glad your kids are enjoying their summer days at the lake. Have a great weekend!


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