Shife 2.0

Well, last week sucked.
Mentally I was in a bit of a funk and I felt a lot like this:

Thank you for being supportive. It really does mean a lot.
Well, I knew this couldn't continue and I also knew I didn't want this to continue so I decided to get my shit together and fight Tobias.

Saturday - I acknowledged that I wasn't in a happy place and I needed help. I meditated, used essential oils (doTerra wild orange) and upped my diazepam (valium) dosage. I didn't want to do any of this, but I made myself because it had to be done if I was going to get over this bout of depression.
Sunday - I felt better. I continued with the meditation, essential oils, and diazepam. I also know giving and gratitude can make you feel better. I donated to some charities and bought some Christmas presents.
Monday - Clutter is a major trigger for my anxiety and that can eventually spiral into my depression. I had emails from 2004. I had more than 3,000 emails just sitting in my inbox doing nothing but driving me nuts because they are just sitting there taking up space. Bye bye emails. I have 10 emails in my inbox right now. And that number will be cut in half when some packages are delivered.  I continued with the meditation, essential oils, and diazepam
Tuesday - My Twitter account was also a hot mess. I followed more than 1,500 people just because they followed me back. However, they brought nothing to the table for me and were just clogging up my Twitter feed with stuff I didn't care about. Bye bye Twitter followers. My list of followers is now under 300 and it's a joy to go through my news feed because I actually get information that I find interesting and useful. I continued with the meditation, essential oils, and diazepam
Wednesday - I went out with some friends to have a few beers. I hadn't been out in a long time with friends. I knew I was starting to feel better because I wanted to go out and meet them. A week ago, I would have made up an excuse as to why I couldn't meet them. I continued with the meditation, essential oils, and diazepam.
Thursday - I have bills. You have bills. If you are like me, you probably wish you didn't have bills. Well, I can't change the fact that I have bills, but I can take control of them. We have bills due on the 1st, the 10th, the 15th, the 24th, etc. Not anymore. They are all now due on the 5th. I pay everything on one day and I'm done with it. Just getting everything squared away on one day takes some stress out of my life. I continued with the meditation, essential oils, and diazepam.
Friday - There are 86,400 seconds in a day. I don't get them back. They don't collect interest. Once they are gone, they are gone. I can either get busy making the most out of that time or just exist. I don't want to exist or survive. I want to thrive. I'm going to make my seconds count. I continued with the meditation and essential oils. I scaled back on the diazepam because it can become addictive.

Well, that's been my week.
I took a look in the mirror and decided Mr. Shife needed to get busy living.
It's not always going to be sunshine and rainbows, but I'm going to fight because I want to be happy and I fucking deserve to be happy.

Thanks for listening and thanks for stopping by.
Have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas.

P.S. I also purged my messy desk of clutter and found two copies of my book.
I would love to give them to someone if they wanted it. It's FREE.
Just send me your address at and I'll get in the mail.
The books have been claimed. Thanks everyone.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Anonymous12/23/2016

    This was great to hear. You do deserve to be happy, and I'm thrilled for you that you took the necessary steps to de-clutter and de-stress. I was a neat freak myself, and the clutter/lack of control in my household is a constant source of anxiety.

    Here's to a happier, healthier, and clutter-free 2017! Happy holidays Mr. Shife!

    (p.s. I would love a copy of your book. e-mailing you now)

  2. We are awaiting the arrival of the two boys and
    the daughter-in-law AND my granddoggy. We hope to
    have the skunk incident not in evidence. Tar is so
    clean he is extra shiny. Sounds like another Christmas
    poem - two Labradors, the granddoggy and a skunk...?

  3. One thing about you is; you are not a quitter. Things can get you down but don't keep you down. Even the smallest of efforts can make a big difference. Good job!

  4. I'm glad you got through it. I can be the same way; when I get down I tend to want to take care of things. Hope you guys have a great Christmas.

  5. You certainly took charge of Tobias and I'm glad to hear it made things better. I hope your Christmas is wonderful. It's so fun to have little kids around for it. I've been considering renting a couple of them, but we will see our grandsons later in the week so maybe I'll hold off :) All the best to you and your family, Mr. S!

  6. I know it can be difficult for many at this time of year. But I hope you can find peace and enjoyment with your family and blogging friends. Take care and Merry Christmas.

  7. I'm glad things are getting better, depression is a bitch. It sounds like you were doing all the right things to make yourself feel better. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas full of things you love.

  8. Well done you! I knew you'd make it. Now take a moment to absorb my thanks for being a great blogging friend. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

  9. merry christmas mr shifely!

    my chrystal ball shows an absolutely fabulous 2017 for you and the little shifelys.

  10. As that middle aged busboy said to julia roberts in MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING
    " This too shall pass"


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