Going To Get The Kiddos

It has been a long, quiet week, and we are finally off to get Kyle and Hayden.
The sound of little feet and voices is definitely the soundtrack of our lives right now and we miss it. Looking forward to seeing them and having Casa de Shifley back to normal.
The peace and quiet has been great, but it's just not the same without them around 24/7.
From what I have been told, the kids had a good time while they were away and the pictures seem to justify that statement.
And sorry Dr. Ken.
I tried to get some daily photos of me and Tank doing fun stuff while the kids were gone but it just didn't happen. It turns out he was a little depressed and missed them as well.
We just held each other tight and tried to console one another.
Just enjoy the Cubs kicking the crap out of the Cardinals this week.

Tank looks like he's really enjoying cuddling in the chair with me. It's also amazing how much hair I used to have before the kids came along. 

 Hayden celebrating her victory over Kyle to the rock formation.

 Kyle enjoying some time at the beach. 
It was also nice to Peyton Manning enjoying his retirement from the NFL.

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. We've got a couple home this week. :-)

  2. It's incredible how much you can miss your kids, isn't it? Have a good week with things back to normal again.

  3. Isn't it great, we long for peace and quiet but when it comes we don't like it. That's life, I guess. Thankfully you had Tank to cuddle up to, and Mrs Shife of course.

  4. I was thinking about my comment and everyone above me echoed my feelings. When the kids are in full swing chaos mode, all you want is some peace, and when it comes, the silence is eerie.

  5. It's even hard on the pets when their litter mates are gone. When Faith goes back to college this fall I'm sure Nellie will be roaming around searching for her. So get that Shifley pack back together and enjoy the rest of your summer :)

  6. It's been a long time since we've had little feet around the house and I still miss that.

  7. routines and ruts, we humans are lost without them.

  8. Anonymous8/16/2016

    It does get too quiet without kids around, doesn't it? Hope you're able to spend more time with them soon. I've lost a lot of hair since my girls were born, but it's a small price to pay.

    Go Cubs!

  9. Ours are grown now. One still lives home though and the others and grands are close enough so I don't get to missing them too much. I remember being a mess one year my son went to Scout camp.

  10. Yes, I definitely see Hayden in future Olympics.Loved watching her in action. Thanks for reminding us that she is only 4!


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