Hayden's Happiest of Days

Thank the fat bassets I have two interesting children or this blog would have come to a screeching halt a long time ago as I am not that interesting any more.
It feels like I have a taken a survive and advance mode lately.
Survive the day.
Mostly survive until bedtime and then I can enjoy a sweet, sweet adult beverage and maybe catch up on some TV, then advance to the next day.
However, today is one of those days that you really want to savor because Hayden had one of her best days ever.
Granted she's only been around for 4 years, which limits her best days ever experience, but today was a day that she had been waiting on for a long time.
She got to play soccer.
She was supposed to play last year, but broke her foot right as summer started and we had to cancel her summer soccer activities.
Not this year as we are all systems go.
And the proof is in the pictures of how this was a good day for Little Miss Hayden.

Looks like a pretty happy girl to me.
I also need to share a recent conversation we had while she was looking at stuffed animals on the web: "Hey Daddy this one is as a cute as a bunny riding a unicorn."
She's awesome, and I'm grateful that she had her best day ever.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. She looks like the personification of joy.

  2. What a sweetheart! And what is it about soccer? I've never met a kid who didn't love it. Maybe it's all the running - not only allowed but strongly encouraged. Hope she has a great season.

  3. You are very lucky to have such outgoing kids willing to try anything. They should have a great summer!

  4. Not just awesome ... imaginative comes to mind. Can't wait to hear how she scored a goal... and not just football either.

  5. There are many times I feel pretty boring too, but the kids more than make up for it.
    Glad little miss Hayden is able to play soccer this summer.

  6. great for her cardio! (i don't miss those days of standing in the rain on saturday mornings with some leather lunged fathers screaming encouragement to their kids)

  7. That's one hell of an analogy for a 4-year-old to come up with. She must have her daddy's writing ability . . .

  8. Great post,Thanks for providing us this great knowledge,Keep it up.
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