Introducing ...

... Hayden the Princess Mermaid.
We are off to our first Halloween party of the year, and Little Miss Hayden is going to tell you all about it.
If something gets lost in translation, let me know as I speak pretty good 3 1/2 almost 4-year-old.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. She's an unbelievably cute princess mermaid.

  2. Royally a princess mermaid!

  3. Hayden is an emotional delight.... I smiled yet tears appeared. Why? Because she is soooo CUTE. Have a great time Miss Hayden.

  4. matt, answer to swatch on blog :-)

  5. You can never go wrong with a princess mermaid costume. Hope they both have a great time!

  6. the vid was nice, i watched it twice!

    is kyle throwing the halloween party?

    now i'm going to spend all weekend trying to figure out what kyle will be on halloween.

    how about a hint?

  7. Hey BP. Here's your hint: He is going to be a lean, green fighting machine, and he's named after a Renaissance Italian artist.

  8. Simply adorable. No translator required though, as I've had a great teacher or two over the years.

  9. does it rhyme with yertle?


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