Random Acts of Shifeness

  • Words of wisdom from Mitch Hedberg: An escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."
  • Kyle got a big boy bike for a birthday present so now I have to help him learn to ride it. Wish us luck as we are going to need it. 
  • With some of the ridiculous laws being passed around this nation of ours (Indiana and Arkansas), I found this quote to be a good one this week: "We can easily forgive a child who's afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." – Plato
  • Afghanistan veterans now hunt poachers in Africa. I'm glad they are doing this but I wished we lived in a world where we treated animals with more dignity, kindness and respect. 
  • Looking forward to Game of Thrones and Mad Men being back on the air.
  • I think this might be the last year I play a lot of softball. I know Mrs. Shife is reading this and saying "Whatever" to herself because I have made that declaration before. But with the kiddos and work, I don't have a lot of free time and I don't know if playing softball 2-3 times a week is the best use of that free time. 
  • It didn't always used to be this way but when the calendar turns to April, I get a little blue. Mostly because my mom's birthday is April 5, and even though she passed away in 2008, I still miss her tremendously. I don't know if time does heal all wounds. Maybe it takes the edge off so it's not so painful but I just think some wounds are never, ever going to go away.  
  • Here's a picture of the middle child. Tank hasn't made an appearance on the blog in a little bit so here's the most handsomest hound I know.

  • Happy Easter! Hope you and your favorite somebunnies have a great day. 

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Love the Plato quote. Agree completely. Happy weekend, Mr. Shife.

  2. The more time that passes with my kids, the more I find myself giving up in order to spend as much time with them as I can. Don't worry, you're not alone on it.

  3. That's cool Kyle wants to learn early. My poor daughter waited till she was 10 and still didn't really get the hang of it. Now in college she is trying to learn again to ride to a far away class. I'd love to see that..

  4. Our broken-down escalators are never referred to as stairs. Mind you, I can't repeat what I call them when I have to climb - each step is so huge I can hardly get the leg up the next one ... grins.

    I'm definitely with you regarding animals.

    Happy Easter to you and your lovely family.

  5. i was so happy when i read that soldiers were hunting poachers until i clicked on the link and read that 100 elephants are slaughtered every day.

    that's a very depressing thought.

    i hope the easter turtle brought kyle and hayden lots of good stuff.

  6. I love animals, man's cruelty to them really bums me out. I agree with you and Ms Moon, I guess when humans aren't being cruel to animals, they are cruel to other humans. The bunny dogs are the cutest thing I've seen all day, thanks for sharing.


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