Mr. Shife's March Madness - Day 2

So what exactly makes it March Madness around the Shifley household?
Well there are a few things that make this month interesting:

  • Kyle's birthday - He is going to be 4. I can't believe it.
  • Mrs. Shife's birthday - She is going to be .... I am not that stupid. 
  • Spring break - Is it too early to take the kids to Cancun?
  • Tattoo appointment - Going to get the final touch ups done and probably call it good on ink for this lifetime. 
  • More daylight and warmer temperatures - It is almost time to break out the shorts and retire the sweatpants.
  • Teacher helper at Kyle's preschool - Another opportunity to do something really dumb. 
  • Easter - Hayden will get to do her first egg hunt. 
  • A date with Mrs. Shife - Going out for dinner and a movie or we might just park the car and nap for a few hours and shopping early for Mrs. Shife's birthday presents. 
  • NCAA basketball tournament - The official March Madness.
  • MLS - Major League Soccer returns. I know my blogging BFF Phats will be super excited to learn about this. 
  • A new season of "Game of Thrones" - One of the few shows that I watch that gets my undivided attention. A lot of stuff I just half-watch. It is background noise while I am doing important stuff like tweeting or reading FB updates. 
  • And of course these two make things a little crazy around here as well. 

  • I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream. 


    1. We were already having the 'I can't believe our kid is going to be 4' conversation yesterday at our house. It's times like that you finally realize what your parents meant by how fast time went when you were a kid.

    2. LOVE IT ;-D Domestic bliss and tales of 'the daily'. I can't believe we've been following our respective blogs for four years. Kids make the darnedest mile markers.

    3. I can't believe it, either. It only seems like five minutes since we were all drooling over Kyle's baby photographs. Are you SURE he's coming up 4?

      Happy Birthday to Mrs Shife. Hope you get her lots of lovely presents.

    4. you're lucky you posted a cute picture that saved our relationship haha


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