March Madness - Day 12

I don't know if it was the Daylight Savings or the episode of "The Walking Dead" or the solar storm or maybe it is just me, but I have not felt like myself today. Just feeling out of sorts, mentally unrestricted, angry, and bonkers with my emotions. My day has been going from one extreme to the other, and I think I might just plant myself on the couch to avoid any further surprises. Here are the most recent examples of my day, and these events happened within 30 minutes of each other: I was sitting on the toilet bawling my eyes out after reading this story about Rhiannon Hull, and then I was out for a run when I tripped over a concrete step skinning my palms and knees pretty good. Sweet Lincoln's Mullet, I need a Tuesday.
I hope you are doing a better job with your Monday.
Have a good one, and thanks for stopping by.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Some days just ain't worth getting out of bed for. Unfortunately, we have to, mostly.
    I'm sorry. I hope that tomorrow is better.

  2. Mondays really do suck. Everyone I have spoken with today has been feeling the same way. Maybe it is the springing forward and the shift in light.
    I tell you what... those two wee folk are a bright spot in my day. :)

  3. It's okay we all have those days! Hopefully tomorrow you will be walking on Sunshine! Come on Tuesday....I think I mostly always hate Mondays! It's really just not the best day of the week. =)

  4. My Monday wasn't too good either. Word of advice, take another look at the picture of Kyle and Hayden. See what I mean? Life is worth living after all, even on a Monday.


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