OT: Day 11

Kyle is helping us pass the time by making cookies. The package said it would make 6 dozen, but I don't think the cookie manufacturers took into account that a 2-year-old would be the head chef. The little man helped himself to more than his fair share of dough.

Well here is the latest and greatest. Mrs. Shife's stress test was fine, and the baby doctor said he will induce at 7 a.m. Monday morning if nothing happens between now and then.
So what do you think? Will Baby Shife arrive before Monday or will Mrs. Shife have to get induced? I am done making predictions because I have been wrong so many times. I just know the baby will be here sooner that we think, and it is going to be a whole new set of adventures. Help me baby Jesus.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. you should try some of the cookie dough. it seems to being a good job keeping kyle cool as a cucumber.

  2. This weekend at some unholy hour of the morning.

  3. Is there a major sporting event being televised this weekend that you have an interest in watching? My guess would be in the middle of that.

  4. Wow is in major OT!! :) Good luck with everything

  5. I think that baby will arrive before Monday. I have no basis, just a feeling. :)

    Kyle looks quite happy with his cookie making process.

  6. I hope silly rabbit is right. Kyle's enjoying himself, anyway.

  7. 11-21-11 Sounds like a good Birthday to me.


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