5 Days and Counting

You see that cute little dude up there? Yep, that one. He is awesome. Not much to report today except that I am trying to figure out how I am going to love another little person as much as I love him. I know it will happen but right now it just seems baffling to me. I wish I had more to say, but feeling a little blah today as the first real cold spell has hit us here in Boise and not looking forward to the darker, dreary, and not-so-warm days heading our way.
Have a good one.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. The weather could be worse ... put some sunshine in your mind ready for the new little one.

  2. Just wait until you see how much love you can have for these little monkeys. Love isn't used up, so as much as you love your little man, you are going to love the baby just as much. It is a cool thing to have so much love for so many people. I know with my kids it has made me a much more kind person and just filled with so much happiness. It seems crazy that you can love one baby so much and then when the next comes love them just as much without diminishing the love for the first at all. I can't wait until you see how that feels too!

  3. Ah yes. That "how can I love another one as much?" question.
    All will be revealed. I promise.

  4. 5 days, you can start a countdown in hours now.

  5. When each of my babies were born, and I looked for the first time at their tiny faces... the love just flooded in. A magic moment that takes your breath away and puts tears in your eyes.
    Same goes for when you lay new baby in big brother's arms, the love swells when you look at them together and see the wonder in big brother's eyes.

  6. Hahahaha... word verification is "duche". Too funny!

  7. You will probably question why you didn't have another one sooner ;-) And I agree about the weather, not looking forward to it. We might even see a bit of snow here in Spokane.


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