25 Days and Counting

I have failed as a Dad. The little man has picked the evilest of all the teams, the Yankees. Help me baby Jesus.


  1. It could be worse. You could actively be encouraging him to follow just about any Cleveland team (like I'm doing).

  2. Don't despair... there's time for change...lol

  3. Poor misguided youth. Steer him away from the darkness and towards the light Sir Shife.

  4. I am crushed! Absolutely crushed!
    LOL! Worry not, at this age, he just likes the color and the design. You get to keep your dad card.

    Ha! My comment word is "dicary" as in "What dickery is this?"

  5. no big deal. every guy has about 20 ball caps in his collection. when he's a little older get him a deadwood cap.


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