10 Days and Counting

Hi there. You need to click on the picture to make it larger, and please do. It is an awesome montage that Mrs. Shife created earlier this year when Kyle learned how much fun it was to dive into his pool. He did it about 50 times and just laughed as hard each and every time. Being a kid is awesome, and watching them grow, develop, and explore their world is pretty cool, too.

I will persevere. I will keep moving forward. I will be the stream.


  1. Okay. Kyle is a bundle of joyful life!
    Now- do we KNOW the baby is coming in ten days or is the due date in ten days?
    I am just curious.

  2. @Ms. Moon - The due date is in 10 days. If I knew the baby was coming in 10 days, I think I would be a little more stressed or drunk. =)

  3. i've just been catching up here and i just want to tell you (referencing a few posts back) that even without depression and anxiety i mostly dont feel i deserve the compliments i get. even with good mental health life is hard sometimes :)

    thats not to make you feel better btw, i just want to tak about me

    hang in for there for the countdown and before yo know it you will be sendng two special kids off to college!

  4. Dude, that second pic of him in mid-flight and the look of absolute glee on his face? That's gonna get me through the day tomorrow.

  5. It's lovely to see Kyle enjoying himself at the pool. He's a joy to watch.

  6. Forgot the PS...

    I promise not to reveal the embellishment... grins.

  7. He is such a cutie!

    And I love your post from the other day. So sweet!

  8. SO. AWESOME. Lucky kiddo :-D

  9. Looks like he's having a blast!

  10. haha that is cool!! Excited for you as it gets closer and closer :)

  11. Nothing is better than seeing your child laugh like that or discover something new!


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