Life Can Really Suck Sometimes

How's that for a title? I had some lighter material planned for the blog today but after the phone call I received last night I will postpone that for another day. I did not want to bring sadness to my blog but this is my forum and I got to release it somewhere.

A friend of mine killed himself yesterday. Wow. I got goose bumps typing those words. I know he was depressed and I guess he felt the only way to stop hurting was to stop breathing. It is just really sad especially because he left behind family, friends, and two young daughters that loved him very much. I hope he found the peace he was looking for and there isn't really too much else to say.

Take care my friends, and RIP Tyson.


  1. Well hell, there isn't a thing I can say to comfort, no platitudes to spout. How about that you and his fmaily and friends will all be in my thoughts? That bites.

  2. I am sorry Shife. Keep them all in my thoughts, if you need anything let me know!

  3. time to sit back and count your blessings for having kyle and the tankser.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear that, and you're right, there's not much you can say. Hope you're doing okay, or as okay as you can.

  5. Shife, I'm just so sorry for your loss. I don't think I even can imagine that and I don't want to. I'm really truly sorry my friend.God bless you and comfort you.

  6. One of my closest and oldest friends did the same thing. I wish the same for him as you do for your friend.

    You'll have to work it out in your own way, but don't beat yourself up, that path leads nowhere. I finally had to say it was his choice and really, there was nothing anybody else could do about it.

  7. Sorry for your loss Shifey. I'll definitely keep you and his family in my prayers tonight.

  8. Sad news, Shifey. All I can do is send condolences and pray that your friend is now at peace. My brother-in-law did the same... if only he could have talked about it...

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to help. I will keep you all in my thoughts.

  10. That is awful, awful news. I hope you are okay, and I hope his family is well cared for.

    Wish there was something I could do . . .

  11. I do not and will not judge people who are so depressed that the only answer is death.
    But I grieve for those left behind.
    I am sorry, Mr. Shife, for the loss of your friend. I wish him

  12. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. You are in my prayers.

  13. Mr.Shife...
    Still thinking about you and those in it with you. Hope you are ok...

  14. Oh Shife! I am so sorry for all those involved. Very sad news indeed.

  15. That is tough. A few friends I've known have taken that route, and it was shocking.

    There are no words. Just hug your family and live in the moment.

  16. Sorry to see such said news. There isn't a lot to say that will help or comfort. Grief is just one of those things we each have to figure out and deal with on our own, but here is to your friend, and all the people that loved him...May only the good memories find life after death...

    There’s music in a well-lived life,
    and melodies remain
    each time a loving memory
    repeats the sweet refrain.
    The song that lingers
    in our hearts
    becomes our legacy ~
    its beauty gently echoing
    through all eternity.


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