I can say it 100 times and still does not seem real.
And those are words I thought I would never, ever utter, and I still can't believe it. I am so excited. Maybe it is just me getting ready for the joy I am going to feel for that baby I am going to hold for the first time in two months. Whatever the reason I am going to savor the moment.
I have to because I thought hell would freeze over before I got excited about this team.
This team that has broken my heart over the years many times.
This team that has made me scream words at the TV that would make a sailor blush.
This team that has driven me to the point where I wrote letters to other teams asking them if they wanted a new fan.
This team that made me cry when my favorite player Pat Tillman was killed in Iraq.
This team that gave me herpes.
OK, just kidding about that, but you get the point - I am emotionally invested in this team.
A lot of it has to do with growing up in a sports crazy family.
Some of it has to do with being born in St. Louis. (They Cardinals moved to Arizona in 1988 but I stuck with them)
And a lot of it has to do as a way to stay close with members of my family especially those who are no longer with me.
When I was a kid I could talk to my grandparents or aunt and uncles or cousins about how the Cardinals were doing. We would be separated by thousands of miles at the time but that silly little football team was a common bond that helped strengthen our relationship even if it would be years before we would see each other again.
I also know my Mom is looking down smiling that the team she grew up rooting for has finally made her son cry again but this time they are tears of joy.
I love you Mom and thank you Cardinals for bringing the whole family together again for one more day.
Let the trash talking begin!
ReplyDeleteThe Larry Fitzgerald show was awesome. By the way, Fitz got ripped off his SR year and should have won the Heisman while at Pitt. Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteI'll be here to hold you when the Steelers win.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome, especially the way your story was intertwined over the years with family. I haven't watched much football in while, but I shall root for your team and no one else will change my mind ;)
ReplyDeleteI will be rooting for your Cardinals- and not just because I can't stand Troy Polamalu. I think if any team's fans deserve a Super Bowl victory, it's Cardinals' fans. Steelers have won their share- time for some other teams to win the trophy
ReplyDeleteI'll be pulling for them on your behalf.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you both for the package you sent, and the brick donation. Without great and generous friends such as yourself, this whole bad ordeal would have been much more difficult to get through.
Did you get herpes while being the mascot?
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeletea pox on the house of those nogoodnik steelers!
ReplyDeleteYeah! I'm happy for you =)
ReplyDeleteI did see one article that described the Cardinals as "achingly futile".
ReplyDeleteI too will be rooting for them, if only for the fact I love an underdog.
I'm no fan of the Cards (or Jake Delhomme right now...), but here's to hoping for a good game. Fitzgerald is a beast and Kurt Warner is like a zombie -- he just keeps coming back.
ReplyDeleteGO STEELERS!! oops, wrong blog...sorry.
ReplyDeleteHey, go check out my cousin's artwork, scroll down, there's one you may like: http://www.mikesullivanart.com/store/
I'm excited for you - not the team but definitely you!
Happy for ya Shife! You deserve it for sure as a fan of both AZ and Idaho! haha I am rooting for them for sure can't stand the steelers
ReplyDelete"This team that gave me herpes."
ReplyDeleteHAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa ahhhh....
man Angels' comment was funny!!!
and unlike Woozie, I will be here to hold you if they win or lose.
I keep meaning to tell you something cool. When Everett was born, and they took his little footprint, the nurse put his little footprint on the shirt Rob was wearing. I thought it was SUCH a neat idea. We still have that shirt. Its so crazy to look at how small it was now :)