No Hot Soup For You

Yes can I get the fish tacos, a Miller Lite draft, and some clothes for that table of senior citizens over there.
What am I talking about? Well I just heard about this trend - albeit a little late - but I still heard about it and I needed to talk about. Apparently nude dining is kind of a big deal out in NYC. Read all about here.
Oh My God! Why are people in eating establishments completely void of garments?
You know I love a cheeseburger but I would love it even more if my testicles were exposed to the entire restaurant. Or I could really enjoy my salad more if a husky man and his voluptuous dinner date were enjoying a huge plate of BBQ ribs completely free of their clothing.
Nothing gets my appetite going more than knowing my naked butt might be sitting in a chair that has had buckets of ass matter or swamp butt or taint juice all over it from an incredible amount of strangers.
I am sorry but there is not enough Pine Sol in the world to make that chair sanitary enough for me.
Enjoy your meals.


  1. Don't order extra mayo on your BLT.

  2. Taint juice.

    I'm done. Check please!

  3. As if life just wasn't interesting enough already...

  4. I agree, if only for the reason that people who usually do these "nude events" you would never want to see nude. And the whole sanitary thing too.

  5. I guess I am starting a diet today if I wanted to or not. Thanks for the visual.

    Really makes you wonder what the Tuna Surprise is.

    Hot Soup, nice touch.

  6. I would be too afraid to drop hot sauce or sriacha or anything hot and spicy on my hoo ha.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am so sorry for your loss, as well.

    Take Care,

  7. Would not like to see any nakedness with anything I eat....

  8. i just wear my x-ray glasses to the restaurant.

    they're way better than the seahorse farm i bought.

  9. Gross.

    I have nothing more to say.



  10. Anonymous10/14/2008

    What are you supposed to do if the guy next to you suddenly boasts a huge erection, as you are waiting for your order of house special Bratwurst. Do you send it back? Do you change tables? Does it matter? I don’t think it would matter.

  11. What are you supposed to do if the guy next to you suddenly boasts a huge erection, as you are waiting for your order of house special Bratwurst.

    Make sure your plate has sauerkraut, otherwise send it back.

  12. i'll have a tall glass of poon juice please...

  13. Anonymous10/15/2008

    Hold the buns!!

    Wassup, dude?

  14. I only drink nude at the hot springs when I hike into them. What others do is none of my concern.


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