You've Got Mail

Ever wonder what God's email inbox might look like?
I was just checking to see if he had time to answer mine.
It wasn't anything substantial like what is the meaning of the life or is Ted Koppel's hair real.
I just just wanted to know what his thoughts were on the merit of being a stunt cock. You know a gentleman who provides surplus semen, usually on demand, to an adult film.

Click on the picture if you want a bigger view


  1. Wow, I'm speechless. And a little on edge. How on Earth did you hack into my email?? Oh, wait a minute, I know how you did. I am all knowing.

  2. This is supremely, omnipotently funny.

  3. Lots of good jokes in there, both for believers, non-believers, and just the generally pissed off (me).

  4. This is hilarious. I've always wondered what other people pray about.

  5. DNA tests?! Too funny.

  6. thanks for the info.

    now i know why the big guy doesn't answer my requests. those other guys have way better topics than me.

  7. Anonymous8/08/2007

    LOL Shife....reminds me of Bruce Almighty when he checked his email.

  8. I'm pissed. That hacker has captured my email.

  9. I don't see my request in there for Purdue to win the national title. I am not even sure god is up for that task!

  10. It's a good thing that God is able to prioritize his e-mail.

  11. Hehehe! So the requests go to an inbox eh? I'd like to ask God for a date with the hunk at the pharmacy. The selection in rural PA is very limited. Either they're taken, too young, too old. Have a nice weekend!


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