Special Edition DVDs

First off, thanks for the playing the game, and most of you were correct in choosing D. Fortunately, my Lionel Richie t-shirt is sealed in a vault located 13 miles below the surface, and guarded by two rabid hyenas called Hassel and Hoff so there is no danger of it being ruined.

Now on today's topic, the DVD. I have spent some time on this topic before but I feel the need to vent again. I love movies so naturally I love the DVD. I am amassing my own private collection which may border on obsession since I am running out of storage space again. But there is one problem with DVDs and that is what the frick is the deal with releasing 7 different versions of the same movie. There is the original release, then the special edition, then the super special edition with extra features, then the super special edition with commentary from some really important douche bag, then the not-so-super special edition with a coupon for a hand job from a circus midget named Charlie. OK, I exaggerate but seriously it blows when you buy a DVD of a show or movie you love and then they release the ultimate collection or the unrated version a few months later. It is all just some horse crap marketing circle jerk and it pisses me off.

Thank you, and have a lovely day.


  1. Welcome back from vaca!!!

    I am with you on the DVD thing. I always get confused when they release 2 versions at the same time: regular release and uncut. I want the one I saw in the movies, for fucks sake and I don't know which it is!

    I never realized how full of himself The Hoff really is...he is getting on my nerves now that he is all over the news.

  2. Anonymous6/10/2007

    Ditto. DVDs running amuck in my wee homestead. I might rent a POD and park in the parking lot at our place of employ...do you think they would mind?

  3. The wife and I are having the same problem with the lack of storage space. We're like our own Blockbuster now.

  4. The original is always the best! Just buy the original--anything less is just a let down.

  5. Just give us the original version.

  6. Soon you will want all those movies on Blue Ray disc too!

  7. i'd be real pissed if i had to pay for them. what really pisses me off is when you pop in the dvd and there's a few promo's before the movie starts.

    still, i love em.

  8. Anonymous6/12/2007

    Sounds like you had a nice vacation!! I've always wondered that as well about releasing so many versions of one movie...ugg!

    PS Have you seen Knocked Up yet?

  9. I know what you mean! You see the "special" edition and you feel dreadful for paying more for your "regular" DVD.

  10. yeah, I hear that shifey, although I rarely buy them.

    I've never felt the need to own tons of movies, just a select few.

    Books are another story (ha ha) though, I do feel the need to own them.
    Lucky for me my mom worked in a bookstore that closed a few years ago, so I have TONS of shelving...they are almost full though, so I share in your storage problem.

  11. Hi shife, glad that shirt is safely stowed away.

    Hmm I have a TON of DVD's as well but mine are all TV shows, so I don't have your problem. Although some shows do release season by season then one big box set GRR. Anyway, I think it stinks and you should write to your local senator

  12. roar.
    i feel your frustration, as you probably anticipated. that's why i chose to just steal them.

  13. I remember the days when you had to rent movies on VHS b/c they were so danged expensive to buy. Heck, I even remember the days when you could only see a movie in a theatre, unless you had those crazy home movies or slide shows to watch!

  14. i accidentally picked up the swedish version of "baby geniuses 2" yesterday. i felt absolutely betrayed.

  15. Ha, I totally agree. Now I know never to buy a series I like (like LOTR or Spiderman movies, etc) until it comes out in a 3 pack, 4 pack, etc...and it ends up being cheaper too.

    I hear ya about storage. So, I went thru mine and those I know I will never watch again (some Cruise movies heh) have been sold on eBay!

  16. Don't forget the HD vs Blu-Ray formats.

  17. I didn't get that coupon, what the hell?


    I hear you on this one.

  18. I think my collection of DVDs is bordering on the ridiculously obscene.

    I don't ever really get excited about the bonus features, so I usually don't get burnt with re-releases (save for director's cuts of films I really like, ie Sin City).

  19. Space is running out for both books and movies. You know, if you buy enough of the same film over and over, you have something for Quincy to chew on.


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