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Greetings everyone. I am back from my vacation and I had a good time. I just wish I could vacation more, and work less. Maybe in my next life. Well I figured we could play a game today. Can you guess which one of these things did not happen on my trip?

a) I met a guy who got kicked out of a strip club because he tried to tip the dancers with coupons.

b) I went to visit my four-year-old nephew, and he jumped out of his closet completely naked and made me wrestle with him like we were both in the WWE.

c) I felt like I was in a horror movie because of the swarm of Cicada bugs hitting Illinois this year. I guess they come out every 17 years, and there are billions of them in the state. It was weird jogging near my parent’s house and hearing these creepy bug sounds as you were running by.

d) I got circumcised by a cougar, my Lionel Richie shirt got ruined, and I didn’t learn dick about butter churning.


  1. I'll guess D. Why butter churning is an art!

  2. I'm hoping that you didn't get circumcised. That would be very painful.

  3. i'll go with c. it was a vacation wasn't it?

    that means rest and substance abuse to me.

  4. I'm going to have to go with "D" as well. The rest seem plausible, but wearing a Lionel Richie shirt?

  5. Glad you're back, even if you didn't learn to make butter.

  6. E...all of the above. As far as your vacation is concerned, you should've gone to the ACTUAL zoo that holiday weekend. It's one of the few free ones still left, and it rivals San Diego's zoo.

    I travel throughout Southern IL as well for my job every should see my car afterwards. Yuck. Bug guts galore.

  7. It's gotta be A. Strippers totally accept coupons!

  8. I'm going with "B." After all, you wouldn't wrestle a naked boy unless you were a . . . Uh, I gotta go.

  9. okay i am going with b. your nephew can't do wwe without a costume or some sort.

  10. i was over in chicago recently to visit a friend. a secada jumped out of its closet completely naked and made me wrestle with him like we were both in the WWE.

  11. I am guessing D, but totally hoping for one of the others, because a cougar attack would be kind of a cool story to tell.

    I know it's not the one with Cicadas because I saw on the news about them invading Chicago

  12. i'm just honored that you think of me as a cougar.

  13. I'm hoping it's 'D'. Those Lionel Richie T-shirts are a collector's item now. And I'm still hopeful your next post will educate me on the finer points of churning butter.

  14. I hate those coupon tipping mofos, worse than the guys who want to tip you with quarters. So, wait, did Lionel Richie circumsize you? I missed something...

  15. I'm with Phoenix. They all happened! It's just a trick question.

    BTW, very random. The other night, The Hoff was in my dream and he was an all-powerful being who held people captive until you won a boat race, then you got one wish for whatever you wanted. I wished myself the heck outta there....and it was granted.

  16. Anonymous6/09/2007

    I really, really want D to be true because I want a blog post about it, with matching photographs. Please.

  17. Anonymous6/09/2007

    lol the obvious choice would be D but perhaps it is B?

    Looking forward to hearing more! :)


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