Have you seen my stapler?

Just a quick update. I am alive and well, and I have a funny story
I would like to share (at least I think it is funny). Unfortunately, there is one little problem when you take a week off from work. No one does your job for you while you are gone. So when you get back to the office you have quite the large pile of things to do. I hope to get caught up soon, and then I will post something interesting and get to reading your blogs. Take care and see you soon.


  1. Hmm if I take a week off of work will you be my substitute teacher?

    Did I miss the funny story, or is it to come?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You have not missed it yet Phats. It is coming soon. Here is a little preview: me, a fit of rage, and my underwear.

  4. haha yes it sounds awesome I can't wait! maybe i will be "LOL'ing"

  5. Anonymous9/12/2006

    Office Space is one of those films I can watch over and over again!

  6. Anonymous9/14/2006

    Is that where you were during your hiatus -- stapler searching? ;)

  7. I'm on the edge of my seat! Now hurry up and get your work done!!! :D

  8. Shife I am picking your Vandals this week, am I nuts?

  9. No that should be a safe pick as long as the Vandals show up and play.

  10. Anonymous9/17/2006

    Hope they didn't put you in "Storage Room B" hehehe


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