Surprise, Surprise

Hello everybody. Just in case you were wondering I have been off the reservation for the last few days. Mrs. Shife and I have had family in town since last Thursday and I took a few days off to enjoy their company.
I know what you are thinking, what color underwear is he wearing? Black. Thanks for thinking of me in my underwear. I swear every time I start blogging with you this happens. Get your mind out of the gutter.
OK let’s get back to business.
We had family in town for a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Shife. I am sorry I couldn’t tell you about it but I had to keep it a surprise. Anyway I have been planning this for months and it was difficult keeping it a secret from my lovely wife. And I am still not sure how I did it because she is one smart lady. Mrs. Shife came home from work Friday and I told her we needed to go out to a bar for a drink to celebrate her birthday and I had to tell her something. She was suspicious because I had been acting funny that day so I needed to distract her so I wouldn’t blow the secret. We get to the bar and I told her I got promoted at work and they wanted me to move to Chicago. This is a possibility because my company has an office there and my family lives in Illinois so Mrs. Shife knows I might want to move there. She buys the fib and we discuss the pros and cons of moving to Chicago, and I must say that I could have been an actor because I put on one helluva performance. After a lengthy discussion about Chicago, I finally get the call from the family that Operation Mrs. Shife is in place and we can bring home the victim. We head home and she walks into the house to be surprised by 16 relatives. It was awesome, and I have been told by Mrs. Shife that I am going to be nominated for husband of the year. I just figure I am going to get a kick-ass birthday present next month.


  1. That story is so nice!!! I want a husband now!!!!

  2. Awwww Shifey, that is SO FREAKING AWESOME!!

    I think you are a hands-down winner for husband of the year.

    Oh, and you get bonus points for the whole Illinois thing. ;-)

  3. That is so awesome, nice job shife!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Way to actually pulled it off. Now she owes YOU!

  6. That's so sweet. She is one lucky woman!

  7. Ha, wow an Oscar-winning performance! I don't think I've ever had a surprise party - hubb may have to hire you one day :) Glad you guys had great time!

  8. Wow that was so sweet, I think I feel a little bit of a letdown. My hubby is taking us to the amusement park for my birthday. Although Great Adventures rocks, I have always wanted a surprise party. Although if I ask for one it won't be a surprise. LOL! Great job "Oh Grand-Husband-Extreme".....

  9. Wonderful! How sweet and caring. As great as my hubby is I don't think he would ever pull that off or think to. Looking forward to seeing what she gets for you. If she is going to try to top it, it must be going to be huge, hard to top. God bless.


    Good going, shifey! That's awesome!

    Happy Bday mrs. shifey!

  11. I tinhk the questoin burning a hole in my mind was what color bra are you weaering?

  12. You scored some major brownie points with that one. Milk it for all it's worth ;)

  13. Two words: Kiss-ass.

    Smooth move, though. I'm impressed; I don't know many guys that go that far for their ladies anymore, and I'll be the first to say I never did. Probably why I'm still single, but hey, what the fuck.

  14. Anonymous3/23/2006

    Good one, Mr Shife! You are going to be husband of the year!

    Good to see you back and don't worry about being too busy to blog or comment, most of us (I think) go through phases.

    I am off next week for a 4-day trip to Wales then the week after to Egypt then the week then maybe camping the week after... then it's full on work until the summer! Phew!

  15. You should be husband of the year, that was very cool.

  16. Hey, nice work! My husband threw ME a surprise birthday party over the weekend too. Mrs. Shife and I are very lucky girls...

  17. Great plan and execution, my friend. Makes me think I should do something to surprise Mrs. Taylor for her birthday in a month.

  18. Lucky, lucky Mrs. Shife. And so much planning! Prolly feels good to have that crap out of the way. ;) Way to be a super hub.

  19. Anonymous3/23/2006

    That's awesome. Wish I had a wife to plan surprises like that for.

  20. Anonymous3/23/2006

    Dude, that RAWKED! I love surprise parties...especially well-executed ones. Good job!

    And I always figured for a guy that wore black. ;)

  21. I wish someone would throw ME a suprise party. Oh, wait, they did once. Nevermind

    You are so clever!

  22. You are SOOO Husband of the Year!!! What a lucky lady and it sounds like a great party!!!


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