A Change in Cabin Pressure

Well I have some bad news.
It looks like I will have to cut back on my blogging due to some personal and work-related issues. Everything is fine, but the time I devote to this hobby of mine will be seriously reduced.
I don't know how often I am going to be able to post and I don't know how often I will be able to visit your blog. My philosophy on blogging has always been to return the favor. If you visit my blog, I will visit your blog. This will not change, but the frequency will. I was able to make daily visits to many of your blogs but that is not going to happen in the immediate future. I am probably going to make it out to your blog once or twice a week for now.
I love blogging with each and every one of you, but my family and job are the top priorities in my life right now.
I hope you understand, and I hope you continue to stop by and say hello. And I will do my best to return the favor.

Have a great weekend.


  1. You're a pretty cool feller, Shife. Will miss the daily laughs, but I'm glad you have your priorities straight.

  2. i'll miss your daily musings mr. shife.
    and tell mr happy i hope mrs. shife's friend is leaving soon.

  3. Believe it or not, I understand. I'm actually quite a thoughtful and compassionate fella. I'll miss seeing your nearly-daily posts and musings, and I wish you the best as always.

    But don't quit leaving me comments, goddamnit!

  4. That is sad indeed. Hope things are all good with you. Keep in touch!

    P.S. I got my RCPM tickets the other day! Hooray!!

  5. Do yo thing brotha :p however, I shall hold my breath until you return (just so you know....)


  6. Ha, so I'm not the only one writing the apologetic "I've been busy" post, huh? No worries. We'll miss you but you know we'll always be around.

  7. Totally understand! You're a good guy shife so totally happy I found your blog. Did you ever know that you're my hero? okeh alright i won't break into song.

    Will miss your daily stories :)

  8. Anonymous3/03/2006

    Don't worry, Mr Shife. I will still come here when you post since I have you as an RSS feed and when you post, I will comment. It does amaze me how people can be such prolific bloggers. I really admire them! I think my goal is to post at least once a week and if I manage two that is a great feat.

    Take it easy! x

  9. Anonymous3/03/2006

    Tell the truth...you found The Hoff's address and you're off to stalk him. ;)

    Awwww....I'll miss my daily Shife fix. You do what you have to do...we're not going anywhere. I'll check in often to see if you've updated.

    Take care!

  10. Sad as this news is, do your thing, man. Do your thing.

    I think it's really cool that you've made the decision to put your family and career first, although I really hope nothing bad happened that brought you to that decision by force.

    I'll miss the frequency of your random acts of shifeness, but I'll still be around to comment when you do post.

  11. Good Luck. Look forward to your triumphant return!

  12. mrshife... of course you have priorities.. and of course your family and career are far more important than blogging...

    i hope all is well.. i hope no one is in immediate danger or anything.. i hope you taking a break is so that you and the mrs can conceive.. *giggle*

    kiss kiss from MTL!!!

  13. awww so sad. :( But totally understand. I actually need to cut back some so I can finish my project and graduate!!

    We'll miss you! :)

  14. No need to apologize for getting in touch with your life.

  15. Hope everything is ok Shify --- :-)

  16. I'll visit your blog regardless of whether you visit mine or not. Laughter is the best medicine.

  17. Oh, and I hope things get better.

  18. Infernal Combustion has been promising an update since January 31, 2004, and I still check it once a week. Believe me, I'll be checking in.

  19. What kind of blogger are you just abandoning us like this... I'm just kidding! I'll just have to sit by anxiously awaiting your return...

  20. Aw, damn. I guess I'm the only one left with no life. *sigh*


  21. Hey, I've been in the same position for the last two weeks. It happens. Just don't lose the will to blog.

  22. NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Say it isn't so!!! I can't get by without my regular dose of Shife-ness!!!

  23. Guess this means that I'll have to go back and re-read all your other posts!

  24. Shifey, I don't visit your blog so you'll come to mine. In fact, don't come to mine. Do your thing. I'll check back when i can.

    Hope you get some respite soon.

  25. No problems my man. As much as we all enjoy the blogosphere (I hate that word, but its so -- perfect), we all know the real world comes first.

    Handle your business, we'll be here when you come back.

  26. I read your blog because I like it, not because you read mine. But I will miss you!!!!

  27. MrShife- I actually like reading your blog- and read it for no other reason then the fact that I like it. I'll be missing your daily Shifeness, but would rather know that out there in Shifeland the Shifey's are happy.

  28. Well I hope everything works out. I know about cutting back on the blogging and visits. I'll check in when I can as well. Thanks buddy.

  29. I understand the need to cut back on the blogging on occasion.

    I hope that you, MrsShife and Quincy are alright and that all is well.

    I will continue to anxiously await your written word!

  30. All the best. You make us laugh, which is all that matters.


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